In the extensive Spanish gastronomy, one of the products that enjoys greater recognition is oil. Liquid gold, so praised for its properties in the extra virgin olive variety, has a wide range to choose from once the consumer goes to the supermarket. Therefore, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) to define the best according to their properties, characteristics or price.
Possibly the ingredient that should never be missing from the Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil has become a must in every Spanish home. However, there are brands that try to mislead users, so .
To do this, an oil must pass a sensory test, carried out by an accredited panel and with a specific methodology established by the regulation itself. A study that leaves up to 21 articles that can be easily found on the market as being of authentic quality, where five stand out, of which four are white label.
Oleoestepa Oil
Always categorized as “the best” by the OCU, this extra virgin olive oil also has the recognition of . With a , it is an oil with an excellent sensory analysis, fruity and slightly spicy and bitter.
Highly recommended for use in the kitchen, with stews and fried foods, it can be found in various supermarkets such as , or . Its price, moreover, ranges from 4.5 or 5 euros in one-litre bottles to between 20 and 24 euros in five-litre bottles.
Carrefour oil
The best private label and the second with the highest rating for the OCU, this oil obtains the highest score in acidity while in labeling and conservation it obtains four out of five stars. A product made with olives of the arbequina, hojiblanca and picual varieties.
Only , under the signature of the French chain, the one-liter bottle costs 3.7 euros in physical establishments, while the five-liter bottle costs 16.65 euros.
Oil Squire
One of the most demanded in large Spanish supermarkets, Hacendado oil achieves a score of 83 out of 100. Recognized as “very good quality”, this product bases its recognition on the production of Oleoestepa, which thus manages to carry its very bottle awarded to the Valencian shelves under a white brand.
Only available in the , the chain run by Juan Roig places it at 3.7 euros for a 0.4 proof one liter bottle. In addition, the five-liter bottle costs 10 euros in the Valencian chain.
Auchan Oil
The third private label in discord, the Spanish-French chain achieves with this oil a recognition highly praised by users. Thus, its score of 83 out of 100 comes thanks to all the categories, except for labeling and sensory analysis, where it does not score with all the stars.
Only available in the , the one-liter bottle costs 4.03 euros, while with the carafe the price of the liter drops substantially (3.76 euros) until it is sold for 18.84 euros.
Oil The English Court
The one that closes the first five positions, but also the first to be recognized in the Bio category. With maximum scores in acidity, authenticity, quality and care of the fruit, the Spanish department stores achieve a product highly praised by the OCU (81 out of 100).
For sale in all (El Corte Inglés, Supercor and Hipercor supermarkets), the one-liter bottle costs 5.59 euros.