These are the procedures to register your child with Social Security

All workers, in addition to pensioners and beneficiaries of some type of social benefit, enjoy the right to receive guaranteed health care. However, this right is also provided for relatives and dependents of this person.

Keep in mind that when a child is born or adopted, they must be registered as a beneficiary in Social Security. To do this, you must follow a series of procedures, which are the same as for registering any other person. The Administration foresees that any insured of the Social Security system can register a beneficiary, provided that he is in any of these situations:

– Being the spouse of the insured person or common-law partner.

– Be ex-spouse or be legally separated. As long as you are entitled to receive a compensatory pension from the insured person.

– Be a descendant or dependent of the insured person or their spouse and be under 26 years of age or have a recognized disability of 65% or more.

How can I register my child with Social Security?

There are several ways to register a beneficiary in Social Security. In fact, the Administration has expanded the channels to carry out this procedure with the intention of facilitating telematic processes for those who are not digital natives.

The National Social Security Institute (INSS) allows a beneficiary to be registered online through the Tu Seguridad Social portal by accessing through a representative who has a digital certificate or cl@ve. Thus, when an insured person needs to register another beneficiary, they can do so in the following ways:

– Through the Your Social Security portal. However, it will be necessary to have an electronic certificate or cl@ve.

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– On the Tu Seguridad Social portal through a representative who has a digital certificate or cl@ve.

– In person. To do this, it will be necessary to have a prior appointment at a Social Security Information and Attention Center (CAISS).

– By regular mail to the corresponding Provincial Directorate of the National Social Security Institute.

– In the case of not having prior identification methods, it is possible to use the platform for procedures without an INSS digital certificate.

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