Time to think about what to cook and when in doubt, one of the most chosen dishes by almost anyone in the world is usually pizza. Because of its simplicity, but also because of its different flavors, the most typical dish of Italian gastronomy has already spread throughout the globe to the point of having a World Day that is celebrated on February 9. Therefore, with regard to its marketing in Spain, there is even a classification of the best brands and ingredients, according to (OCU).
According to the tradition born in Naples, in honor of Queen Margherita, which is why the most basic pizza bears the name of this historic transalpine consort, the pizza recipe is said to have been made on February 9 during the 10th century. For this reason, the choice of this date to celebrate its World Day, which for this 2022 falls on a Thursday.
The perfect moment to enjoy a good pizza (although it is usually linked more to the weekend due to the fact that it is the fast food par excellence), but which also leaves interesting anecdotes such as which is the best one that can be consumed. A classification from which restaurants and landlords are discarded, due to the infinity of choices that exist, and where the OCU has wanted to look at the main chains specialized in this product as well as the big brands that sell in supermarkets.
That is to say, pizzas prepared both at home and refrigerated that, yes, do not hide their dark side as it is a very caloric product due to its high amount of fat and salt. Therefore, its consumption is only recommended occasionally, this World Pizza Day being an ideal time for it.
This is the best pizza chain
Being the first choice for home delivery, the pizza arrives already hot and ready to eat, which is why its price is higher, reaching around 13 euros on average for the regular size. An election where the OCU highlights two chains like and with a presence throughout Spain, followed by Papa John’s.
In both the barbecue format and four cheeses, the two analyzed in this category, the American company thus achieved a rating of 74 and 73 points, respectively, out of 100. For its choice, the institution was based on the shape of its triangles, its stiffness and if it is well baked, as well as in the quality and variety of its ingredients.
This is the best pizza brand in the supermarket
On the other hand, with regard to the different varieties that are sold in supermarkets, the OCU points out that they are much cheaper but require baking to be consumed. Around 3 euros, in the choice of the institution, Casa Tarradellas is reviewed both in ham and cheese flavor and four cheeses.
The two most demanded formats, their assessment is 68 and 66 points, respectively, out of 100. In these refrigerated formats, their labeling was key, as well as the lower proportion of additives with which many companies supply certain ingredients.