Things to sell online: business ideas – Blog del E-commerce

If you decided to make an online store, but you are still thinking about things to sell online that are profitable in 2022, we are going to guide you through the process to find that business idea that you are looking for so much. Learn to identify the best opportunities!

We live in a time when shopping online is increasingly common (and necessary). If it is, for example, without a doubt sales are the booming option!

To understand the importance, it is enough to know that —according to the prestigious North American research company eMarketer— 38.4% of the population over 14 years of age in Latin America is a regular online buyer.

Argentina, in particular, integrated the in electronic commerce during 2021. The podium was made up of India, Brazil, Russia, Argentina and Mexico.

Likewise, electronic commerce in the country continued to grow by 68% compared to the previous year, according to the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE) in its collaboration with Kantar Insights.

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What to sell online: 5 options

Let’s start by distinguishing between the different business models that exist in e-commerce. Although it is true that there is a great diversity of products and services for , we could divide them into five main categories.

1. Services

It can be online or offline services, as long as the transaction is made through the internet. This model works mainly for those who are looking to make a business out of their knowledge or skills.

For example, you can of something in which you have experience. Or, if you dedicate yourself to taking photos of events, charge in advance through your virtual store.

2. Digital products

As in the previous category, it is about those knowledge and skills that you can sell online. The difference is that they may be products that are not tailor-made for the customer, but may be attractive and useful to a large number of people.

E-books, songs, and virtual courses are examples of this category.

💡 In Tiendanube you can also sell digital products! .

3. Physical products

This is, perhaps, the first thing that comes to your mind when you ask yourself, what can I sell online? It refers to all those tangible objects that you, as a seller, send to your customers through some or personal delivery.

The examples are endless: you can sell everything from clothing and even products for pets, plants, crafts, stationery items and a long etcetera.

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4. Advertising

This online business model consists of giving visibility to a specific brand or product for a target audience. Here they enter from the traditional one such as banners on a website, to sponsored content, mentions on social networks and more.

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5. Membership

It is known as the digital marketing model in which the advertiser pays for the results obtained by an exchange.

The affiliate earns a commission every time a user performs a certain action, which can be anything from clicking on a link to downloading a file or making a purchase.

Find the best products to sell online

Let’s say that after looking at all the possible options for things to sell online, you’ve convinced yourself to move on to physical products. Cool!

Now it’s time to select the products that will be part of your . Our first recommendation is to base your decisions on data:

  • Research what your competition offers.
  • Know the products that your potential customers are talking about on social networks.
  • Check the trends in searches.

A simple and free way to identify the popularity of products on the internet is with the help of the , which allows you to know the potential and volatility of a product.

For example, if you want to start a sporting goods business and are considering some products to integrate into your catalog, one of them could be shorts.

All you have to do is type the word “shorts” in Google Trends and focus the search on your market —in this case, Argentina— to find out how much shorts are searched for in different time ranges.

In this case, we chose to see results from the search “shorts” in the last five years. In the graph we can see that it is a fairly volatile term.

If you look closely, you will notice that there is a pattern to those search peaks: they all happen between the months of December and February, which indicates that it is a common product to buy during the summer.

That does not mean that it is a bad idea to sell this product in your virtual business. However, you can bet that they range from reducing your stock the rest of the year, highlighting it in or even increasing your marketing efforts for this product during the months of greatest demand.

You can do this same analysis with all the things to sell that you are considering for your virtual store.

Thus, added to the study of your and your, you will be able to base your decisions on data and create a strategy for your internet sales.

Learn more:

Best-selling products in Argentina

If you have an e-commerce, it is vitally important to know the behavior and changes of your. Because, what today is sold like hot cakes, next year no one may be interested.

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Reviewing the Annual Study of Electronic Commerce in Argentina carried out by Kantar Insights for CACE, we discover which are the categories of products that Argentines preferred to buy through the internet in 2021.

Next, we share a list with the 5 items that are sold the most online in Argentina, according to the previously mentioned study:

  1. Audio equipment, image, consoles, IT and telephony
  2. Food, drinks and cleaning supplies
  3. Household items (furniture, decoration)
  4. Tickets and Tourism
  5. Appliances (white and brown line)

Things to sell online: 19 ideas for 2022

We base ourselves on current trends in electronic commerce, both in Argentina and in the world, to create this list of 19 product ideas to sell online in your virtual store.

1. Personal care products

Quarantine brought significant growth in this niche. Interest in skin care, hair care and wellness in general has been a constant among consumers and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop anytime soon.

The consumption of shampoo and conditioners, for example, went from occupying the 15th place of the most popular products during the year 2019, to the 7th position according to.

The best thing about this type of business is that the chances of getting regular customers are much higher. A shampoo, for example, is sold out in one or two months, so if the product you sell is good, buyers will surely return to your store.

Another idea for those who wonder: what can I sell online to earn money? is to create and produce natural cosmetics. The use of organic products, home production and the absence of animal testing win the hearts of many people.

If you want to know a store for inspiration, it is an e-commerce that sells handmade, vegetarian and animal cruelty-free personal care products.

2. Crafts and home decoration items

Another sector that is increasingly in trend —especially with the increase in users of— is that of products for the home, crafts and decoration.

One option to join is to buy exclusive pieces from regional artists and resell them to the rest of the country. In addition to spreading the local culture, you help the economy of the place where you live.

Although, if you like crafts and want to create some pieces as a hobby, you can jump into !

Embroidered or hand-painted paintings, ceramics, lamps and clay objects can be options for those who want to earn extra money using their talent.

💡 Tip: start manufacturing and sell to your friends and people in your community. In this way, you will detect the acceptance of the product you want to market.

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3. Clothes and accessories

A niche market that is always on the rise is that of fashion. Whether you choose or you are in charge of the production, there is a good chance that you will be successful.

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Some examples of specific segments in the world of fashion are: children’s clothing, beachwear, special events clothing, fitness fashion, plus sizes, personalized t-shirts and women’s fashion.

It is a very competitive niche, but the good news is that there is still a market to continue innovating.

For example, Tiendanube sells bikinis and women’s clothing with designs that are on trend.

4. Office products

One of the consequences of the pandemic is the normalization of the. Having a comfortable workspace in our home has become a requirement for many professionals.

Here there are great opportunities for products that sell fast online, from furniture such as chairs and desks, to accessories such as bases and covers for notebooks.

5. Freelance services

Today, the internet is full of opportunities for professionals seeking autonomy and independence. Without the need to go to an office and with the freedom to work your hours, it is possible to offer writing, design, programming and illustration services, among many more.

There are some platforms where you can register as a professional, and earn based on the tasks performed, produced and approved by clients. Some examples are and .

You can start small until your name gains credibility and, as demand increases, you will increase prices according to your experience.

If you prefer, contact companies that operate in your area and offer them your services. Monthly packages and payments can be a good idea to organize your fee receipts.

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6. High-quality second-hand products

As we just saw, fashion is among the categories preferred by Argentines to buy online and a trend that has gained popularity lately is that of second-hand e-commerce, which refers to fairs of used products now online. especially in the clothing segment.

This business represents a solution to a current problem: the ecological impact of the so-called “fast fashion”.

To start with this idea, one option is to gather all the clothes you don’t wear, as well as those of your family and friends. Then, select the one that is well preserved to sell it online.

Take advantage of these tips to sell clothes online and boost your business:


7. Games…

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