In the fashion sector, the accelerated process of digital transition has resulted in the rise of different platforms dedicated to the marketing of fashion items. Especially in the field of marketplaces, a business model that many fashion eCommerce platforms have been adopting over the last year.
On the other hand, it has also given rise to the appearance of new and innovative platforms, which rethink the way you buy fashion items online. One of these platforms is billionhandsan application that facilitates the discovery and purchase of the latest trends in fashion, starting from the connection between the en and their communities.
What is Billionhands
Billionhands is a platform created in Spain in response to the demand of young communities for an innovative shopping experience that combines both inspiration and immediacy. That said, the platform is conceived as a showroom where Internet users can explore the latest fashion trends from influencers on social networks.
As explained to us Charlotte Medinadirector of marketing for billionhands, «With Nicolás Luca de Tena (founder) and the NextChance Invest team, we began to shape a project that we had been devising for some time: a dynamic and interactive online search engine that was capable of adapting to the needs of users, offering a shopping experience unique and personalized.
We created a technological platform based on visual recognition, through artificial intelligence, so that users can find any product of any brand instantly. Thus, they have access to a vast catalog of garments similar to those worn by their favorite influencers, giving them the opportunity to dress like them with a simple click.
The app provides users with millions of products at very different prices. In the era of immediacy and overstimulation, capturing the public’s attention becomes a challenge. We want it all and we want it now.”
Starting from a database with more than 7 million products and 5,000 brands, offers the possibility of acquiring these garments. And in case of not finding the specific garments or if they do not fit the user’s budget, it also offers alternative models, allowing them to be purchased immediately.
As you can see in the image, the platform identifies different products within the image. In the case of clicking on one of them, the user sees a description of the item and if interested, is redirected to the brand’s online store.
How Billionhands works
The platform is divided into two main sections, the first is the Influencer Timeline where you can see the different publications of the influencers. As if we were in the Instagram feed, this section is gradually updated according to the posts made. Each post displays a “See Similar” button to explore other items similar to the ones in the image.
The second section that it presents works as a more general explorer of current trends, showing a wide variety of publications under the same topic. For example, in the following image it shows different outfits of one of the leading actresses of the latest Netflix boom, The Squid Game.
BIP, the new Billionhands monetization program
The latest novelty of the app is its Billionhands incentive programor BIP for its acronym in English, a new special tool for influencers with which they can monetize their content automatically. That’s how it works:
- Promote the tool: The influencer must register in the app and only has to tell her followers that she has joined Billionhands, as well as share a personalized download link through her stories. Thus, her followers will have the opportunity to find, through that link and at any time, garments similar to the ones she wears.
- Artificial intelligence reproduces the posts: The app’s technology automatically selects the posts on social networks with the looks of the influencer and publishes them directly on the platform. The visual intelligence system detects each of the garments and shows users the same or similar products in order to buy them. All this process is carried out without the creator having to publish ad hoc content or tag what she has already generated.
- Content Monetization: With this program, the influencer offers a useful service to her followers, and, in addition, monetizes with her content automatically, earning income every time one of them accesses Billionhands through her link. In this way, the influencer will be able to generate money for each download. The amount received is identical for each and every one of the influencers affiliated with the program, and only varies depending on the number of registered downloads.
The future of Billionhands in the face of competition from online giants and the international challenge
Of course, the future of Billionhands depends a lot on how it can deal with competition from giants like Google, Facebook or Pinterest, which have developed tools based on the visual search of products. About this issue, Carlota Medina is clear:
“As in any sector, the natural thing is that eventually competitors with similar technologies will emerge. We cannot predict whether it will be the large platforms -such as Instagram or Google- or the smaller ones that will bet on this purchase model; but, ultimately, the appearance of “new players” is not something we fear, but something we anticipate and, to achieve it, we seek differentiation.
Billionhands incorporates -and increases day by day- the catalog of any vendor in the world, not only of the big brands, but we look at those more niche players based on trends and user preferences: we listen to their demands and We answer them through the app. We provide added value, with a much lower investment, based on incorporating the content of influencers and the latest trends, adapting to the tastes of each user and offering them a personalized, simple and functional shopping experience.
For all other platforms, visual recognition it is one more gadget that, on many occasions, does not generate any extra for its users nor do they use it. At Billionhands, this cutting-edge technology is the center of the experience and is used by users automatically every time they use the app.
For this reason, we are committed to a unique and pioneering proposal. It is not just a shopping app, it is a leisure and prescription space that connects thousands of consumers and businesses through a shared passion: fashion. Billionhands combines two factors: immediacy and inspiration. It is an instant e-commerce space and a source of inspiration with which to be aware of the latest trends and acquire them immediately and easily, with a single click. Billionhands inspires and the user acquires.
Our influencer timeline plays a fundamental role in our differential value, that has a mechanics and structure similar to the Instagram feed, where consumers can browse thousands of influencer looks; and an area of instant inspiration, which allows the user to be aware of the latest trends and acquire them immediately. What distinguishes us from the actors that exist or existed and that involve influencers in their business model, is that, with Billionhands, these they do not have to make any effort, such as generating additional content, to monetize and exploit their publications.”
In any case, Medina is optimistic about the future of the application:
«Our commitment is to revolutionize shopping around the world and bring together in the same space the content of the best influencers at a national and international level. We have an ambitious expansion plan and between now and 2024 we want to be in several other markets; like Germany, , or Italy. Also, while we have a vast database, with millions of products and thousands of fashion brands, having a diverse inventory – encompassing both big and local brands – and tailored to the needs of our users is a of our priorities.
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