This is how you can claim if you have been denied the Minimum Vital Income

Approximately two-thirds of applications to collect the Minimum Vital Income are denied. Although most of them are due to valid reasons (especially non-compliance with income or equity limits), the truth is that the citizen has the right to appeal Social Security resolutions.

It has been the body itself that has informed of this right. Social Security can take its time if necessary: ​​it has up to six months to respond to the citizen’s request.

Before that deadline or right on the deadline, Social Security can deny the request. In the same way, if there is no communication, the request will also be understood to be denied according to that administrative silence.

That’s where the road to claim begins. As established in its article 71, the citizen has a period of 30 days to make a written claim in which, indicating their personal data, the origin of the claim, the allegations and the recipient of the claim.

In addition, the Social Security in which claims can be made about denials of the Minimum Vital Income and various procedures pertaining to other benefits.

Once the claim has been made and delivered, Social Security has a period of 45 days to reply. As in the first request, you can respond to the claim (accepting or denying the benefit) or let the term expire without a response, so that it is understood that based on this administrative silence, the denial of the first request is ratified.

You can also start over: request the IMV again

However, the citizen has another option to proceed when they have been denied the Minimum Income. It is simply a matter of reapplying for the benefit. Instead of claiming, it is about starting the process from the beginning.

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This has an advantage, since it allows, in the event of a new denial, to claim Social Security and gain an extra opportunity to get help. The problem is that here the times are longer: compared to 45 days to respond to a claim, the body has up to six months to respond to a request.

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