This is the method to make an appointment with Social Security: pensions, other benefits…

In recent months, Social Security has expanded the gallery of platforms and services to be able to carry out all kinds of procedures electronically, without leaving home. However, other tools are also offered for people who do not have these methods.

These citizens can request an appointment in any of the ways that the agency enables, either through the internet or through the appointment request telephone numbers. In all cases, visits to the Social Security offices may be requested to process pensions, other benefits such as the Minimum Vital Income or to obtain information on other matters.

Social Security has tools for requesting an appointment at its Electronic Headquarters and on its website. It can be accessed by means of a digital certificate ( or ), or with a username + password. In addition, it can also be done without a digital certificate, by filling out a questionnaire with personal data, the type of procedure that you want to do, the postal code of the office where you want to do it, and the date on which you want to do it.

This way of requesting an appointment can be done for pensions and benefits and also for procedures related to the Social Institute of the Navy, with and without a digital certificate. In the same way, two options for consulting and canceling previous appointments are provided, also with and without a digital certificate.

To request an appointment, aside from the Electronic Headquarters and the Social Security website, there is the most traditional way, by telephone. Recently to be able to request an appointment in the offices.

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Thus, 901 10 65 70, which was previously the appointment request number, has been joined by 91 541 25 30. In both, the service is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and to get an appointment the citizen will have to answer the questions that a voice recording asks.

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