This is the reason why supermarkets can sell antigen tests abroad but not in Spain

In recent days and as a result of the growth in demand for antigen tests, it has returned to the fore, although for reasons beyond the control of the company. The Valencian chain’s sale of these products only in Portuguese territory, instead of Spanish, has a curious reason that is now being solved by joining all the supermarkets.

Despite the fact that Christmas has already passed and with it the stage of greatest demand for antigen tests, these days President Pedro Sánchez has announced one of the rapid tests to detect covid-19. A fact that has once again placed public opinion on why these items can only be purchased in pharmacies and not in supermarkets, which are more accessible, as is the case in other countries.

For this reason, the employers of these chains know of the possibility of starting to sell these tests on supermarket shelves in the style of Germany or Portugal. It is precisely in these two countries that Lidl and Mercadona have a large presence, two of the largest companies operating in Spain.

This is how Mercadona explains its inability to sell antigen tests

And it is the latter, with roots in the Valencian Community, who in recent days has expressed regret for not being able to offer its clients this help against the coronavirus. , Mercadona has indicated that “Portuguese legislation allows the sale, while in Spain it is reserved for pharmacies.”

A clear reason why it is currently impossible for the company led by Juan Roig to offer the tests that in the neighboring country cost 2.1 euros in its 29 stores that it has between the outskirts of Porto and Coimbra. In Spain, since last July, the tests can only be found in pharmacies, in addition to health centers, even online sales spaces such as Amazon or the supermarket chains themselves being disabled.

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The Government reiterates the refusal to sell the tests in supermarkets since “it only trusts pharmacies”

A measure that for now has no end, since it has been the same Minister Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, who has been in charge of once again rejecting such a proposal at a press conference. “For security and guarantee to the citizens” the Government only “trusts pharmaceutical distributors and professional colleges,” said the spokesperson opposed to the employer’s bid, who understands it as a positive measure to liberalize the product. All to give greater accessibility to users who have seen a worrying lack of stock this Christmas, with the risk that it entailed for the closest contacts.

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