This is the time that Social Security has to grant or deny the Minimum Vital Income

The Minimum Vital Income has fulfilled approximately half of its objective when it was implemented in mid-2020, so that more than a million people could collect this benefit and still do not know it. In the event that any citizen decides to request it, he should know that the process from the opening of the file may take some time.

The issue is important, given the nature of the benefit, aimed at people who do not have sufficient resources for day-to-day activities. But, although the premise on the part of all the government bodies in charge is to streamline as much as possible both the processes and the decision-making of the Administration, some maximum terms established as a general rule are contemplated.

The maximum period that Social Security can take to grant the Minimum Vital Income to an applicant is six months. The agency not only has to make the decision to grant or deny the benefit, it must also communicate it to your applicant. Those six months begin to count “from the date of entry in your application record”, according to the Law of the Minimum Vital Income available.

If after that period of six months the applicant for the Minimum Vital Income has not received any communication from Social Security, it will be bad news in practice: the law explains that in those cases the citizen’s request “will be considered rejected”.

However, it is likely that in time the citizen will receive a notification confirming that the request has been denied. This is detailed by the Social Security, in which it informs that “it will expressly resolve the applications presented, even if more than six months have elapsed since their presentation”.

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From what day can the Minimum Vital Income be collected?

Although the citizen requests the collection of the Minimum Vital Income and Social Security takes several months to grant it, they should know that during that time they will have the right to generate different amounts of the benefit. That is, the IMV is paid after the decision of the agency and retroactively.

The Minimum Vital Income Law explains that, specifically, “the economic effects will be set on the first day of the month following the filing of the application.” Thus, if a person requests the benefit on January 15 and it is granted in March, he will have the right to collect the amounts of the Minimum Vital Income that corresponds to him since February.

So you can check the status of your application for Minimum Vital Income

If the citizen has requested the Minimum Vital Income, they have the option to check the status of their application. Social Security allows it on the IMV procedures platform () and without the need to resort to a digital certificate () or Cl@ve ().

The interested party only has to select the option ‘Manage the submitted application’ and then enter the application code (CSV) or the reference number that they received in their email or mobile phone when they submitted the Minimum Vital Income application.

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