This is Yolanda Díaz: the ‘communist’ minister, with three postgraduate degrees and the most elegant in the Government

Yolanda Díaz Pérez is being the most visible face of the powerful part of the Government in this health crisis. . And with the ministers of University, Manuel Castells, and Consumption, Alberto Garzón, and the second vice president, Pablo Iglesias, with less powers to face this health crisis, it is the Minister of Labor who has the most responsibility to fight against the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. This increased exposure is an opportunity to analyze her style: Yolanda Díaz Pérez, a Law graduate with three postgraduate degrees, has had a style very appropriate to her position since she became a minister, perhaps the best of the Executive, with which she convinces, which serves her to meet both with employers and with unions and with the one that makes forget its communist past (and perhaps present).

Style as ideology, the Podemos of the beginning

The idea that left-wing politicians should dress like ragged clothes and those on the right in suits is a fallacy that the leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, recovered in his irruption into political life, back in 2014. His populist discourse forced him to seek enemies and divide society into two: those above and below, the caste and the non-caste, and the good and the bad. A separation that he also applied to the style of politicians: the honest (jeans and sweaty armpit) and the corrupt (suit).

This differentiation by clothing was started by Pablo Iglesias himself. It was he who showed off not only his ponytail, but also his scruffy dress and his pride in buying at Alcampo, something that has nothing to do with being scruffy. However, since he is in the Executive, fortunately and out of respect for the country he governs, he is already comfortable in the jacket or even in the suit, but in a relaxed way, knowing that it is almost an obligation and without worrying much . A position that coincides with that of Irene Montero, Minister of Equality.

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The style of the Minister of Labor

Styling of Yolanda Díaz as Minister of Labor

The rest of the ministers that Podemos has in the Executive never married this absurd ideology of dress. Neither the citizen Alberto Garzón, who has always dressed in a suit or jacket, nor Manuel Castells, a renowned academic who I doubt spends time on what to wear and bets on what is established. However, the minister who is making the difference in terms of style is that of Labour: Yolanda Díaz has changed her way of dressing as a Podemos deputy -a casual style, which prioritized comfort and anchored in the provincial-, for another more elegant, resounding, the right one for her position and responsibility, and the right one to talk to both unions and employers.

She did this change in style, while announcing it, The winter cold of the time did not prevent the new Minister of Labor from walking through the gardens of Moncloa and posing on the steps without her coat. And she did it herself, moreover, with an infallible choice: a total white look, with pants with a slight flare and a top with puffed sleeves, which she accompanied by nude heels. A suitable style and, above all, renewed.

Styling of Yolanda Díaz before being a minister

Since then, the person in charge of Labor has always stood out for her way of dressing and for the correctness of her actions. She subscribed to the total look, she always achieves the degree of elegance that she deserves from her position. An objective that she achieves without falling, moreover, into the most traditional and classic outfits of power dressing, which is well defended by the other Galician of the Executive, the third vice-president, Nadia Calviño, or the president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde.

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Thus, it is common to see Yolanda Díaz with more fluid, unstructured or even oversize jackets, classic blouses in light tones and loose fabric pants that flee from skinny jeans, very typical (and a bad choice) of the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero. In short, an elegant and very appropriate way of dressing that, moreover, does not compromise femininity and discredits the idea that left-wing politicians, even communists, should dress as workers.

hair and makeup

This change in style is also noticeable in the hair and makeup part. While the deputy from En Marea used little makeup and only kept her hair clean and combed, now she is seen with updos, water waves and very present makeup, both in eyes and lips, which she always wears with a color deep red

Training and career

A proletarian environment that marked his life and that of his family. Yolanda is the daughter of Xesús Díaz, a member of the PCE and general secretary of the CCOO in Galicia, and the niece of José Díaz, a BNG deputy in the Galician Parliament. In addition, the current minister proudly remembers the moment she met Santiago Carrillo, “she was four years old when Santiago Carrillo kissed my hand,” she told El País.

Although she wanted to be a philologist, she graduated in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela and has three postgraduate degrees, one in Urban Planning, another in Human Resources and the last one in Labor Relations. A specific qualification that served her to be the figure of Podemos in the Toledo pact and, obviously, her now function as Minister of Labor.

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His beginnings at work began as an intern at a law firm in Santiago and in 1998 he joined a college and opened his own in Ferrol. However, his future would end up being in politics. Díaz has been the general coordinator of Esquerda Unida (EU), a party with which she ran for the presidency of the Xunta de Galicia in 2005. She did not fulfill this objective, but later, in 2007, she tried her luck again as head of the list of EU to the municipal offices of Ferrol, a decision that led him to be deputy mayor of the city, thanks to an agreement with the PSOE and the BNG, for only two years, since the tripartite did not work.

Later, he continued in regional politics, achieving a pact between the EU and Anova, a nationalist party founded by the historic Galician politician Xosé Manuel Beiras. And, finally, he manages to make the leap to national politics in 2015, the year in which he stands for general elections under the umbrella of En Marea, with Podemos, Anova and Esquerda Unida inside. This party won six deputies and incorporated Díaz as number two for the province of A Coruña.

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