This will be the first Amazon clothing store: customers will be able to pay with their fingerprint

After a decade led by e-commerce, the sector is beginning to see a change in consumer trends: customers are returning to physical stores. This is the reason why Amazon is focused on opening new stores throughout the US, on a trial basis, to verify that it can expand to the rest of the world.

Specifically, after recently announcing the opening of a store next to Starbucks in New York, now is the time to see the company’s first clothing store come to life.

The establishment will be called Amazon Style and will be located in The Americana at Brand shopping center in Los Angeles, where customers will be able to enjoy a store of more than 9,000 square meters.

A store surrounded by technology

Amazon does not intend to follow in the footsteps of traditional stores. The retail giant wants to create a new concept of commerce, where customers will be able to find only one copy of each product, since it will have countless models from hundreds of brands.

Thus, when the user chooses a garment, they will only have to scan the QR code in an application that they will have to download previously.

Photo: Amazon

Once scanned, the customer can request the size and color to later pick it up at a counter that will be equipped with touch screens.

The goal of this model is for consumers to find more styles “without them having to search the shelves to find the right color and size,” Amazon Style CEO Simoina Vasen told CNBC.

Photo: Amazon

One of the most notable aspects is that it will be the customers who choose which products will be sold in the store. Amazon will collect these interests through the feedback of millions of users.

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On the other hand, in order to purchase the garments, customers will have a fingerprint recognition service called Amazon One, in order to avoid long lines and improve the consumer experience.

Will the store have workers?

As Insider collects, the Amazon fashion store will have employees, although their functions will be limited to customer service, since the rest of the tasks will be automated.

Photo: Amazon

Specifically, the workers will have to be in charge of the design of the store, the storage of the articles, the delivery of the garments requested in the fitting rooms, the cashier assistance and the management of internal operations.

Customers want to return to physical stores

All this innovation process by Amazon stems from a new change in consumer habits. After many years filling the shopping cart through e-commerce, customers want to return to traditional stores, where they can see the products they purchase in person and receive the attention of a worker.

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However, this does not imply that society wants the return of traditional stores. In fact, physical establishments will become more of a showcase, where customers can see what interests them and, later, purchase it online.

Photo: Amazon

Much of the blame for this need being born lies with the pandemic caused by Covid-19. Consumers, locked at home by the restrictions, began to miss going to the stores. For this reason, today, going to a store has become an entertainment service, a way of feeling that one is gradually returning to normality.

However, these customers do not want to return to a store where they have to wait in long lines at checkout, or have to queue to get into a fitting room, or are forced to search the entire store for the style, size, and style. color they want.

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Businesses have to get used to the fact that consumers demand a dynamic store, where they can make their purchases efficiently, even without the need for a cashier to be involved. An establishment where the service is digitized and they can find a garment and pay for it with their mobile.

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