Trump’s victory shakes Twitter: impact of the US elections on social networks

The interest in audiences and voters for stop being mere receivers of information is already very clear. The different platforms on which we interact daily are an example of the impact of the US elections on the .

Before Trump’s victory: the impact of the US elections on social networks has been unimaginable

On this election day, undoubtedly one of the most controversial in history, Social networks have played a fundamental role for monitoring the elections in the United States, the most powerful and influential country in the world.

This campaign was distinguished by taking by the hand the innovations in technology and the Republican and Democratic parties used all the range of platforms and applications to submit your proposals. Among them, the one to publicize the presidential candidates stood out, who even had reports of data protection security problems. Also, YouTube VR could not miss and time the elections to the format of 360° video in the development of the conventions this year.

Social networks have played a starring role that is transformed in multiple senses and from different angles the dynamics that mark the pattern in election campaigns and political parties. In fact, social networks already vote and the relationship between political parties and social networks is obvious.

After Trump’s victory: earthquake in social networks

The significant repercussion of the North American elections on social networks has been mainly in order to disclose the details step by step on the results of these electoral elections, but they have also served as portal to communicate sentiment, partisanship and with humor users share their opinion and concern on these platforms. Shortly after Trump’s victory was known, Twitter exploded globally with hashtags like (“he’s not my President”).

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As far as I’m concerned this is the only land with freedom and liberty this is the true USA

— royalty free (@punkmisfitxoxx)

We have selected some of the main impacts of the electoral night on Twitter, where there were all kinds of reactions, starting with that of the President of the GovernmentMariano Rajoy or the leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias:

My congratulations to Donald Trump on his victory. We will continue working to strengthen the relationship that unites us with the United States, an indispensable partner. MR

– Mariano Rajoy Brey (@marianorajoy)

Today everyone thinks of Bernie Sanders. Everyone recognizes that the candidate they called a radical could have defeated Trump

– Pablo Iglesias (@Pablo_Iglesias_)

And of course, reactions to Trump’s unexpected victory have begun to pour in from all over the world… and with the most diverse approaches possible:

It would be bad luck if the first politician to fulfill his electoral promises was Trump.

— Leslie Nietzsche (@J_Nogareda)

BREAKING: Donald Trump wins the presidential election.

— Football Stuff (@FootbalIStuff)

That’s how I go with

– The friendly kitten (@chportocarrero)

NEW RESULTS: Donald Trump – 167 electoral votes, Hillary Clinton – 122 electoral votes

— Sopitas (@sopitas)

The Simpsons predicted it 16 years ago, after Trump the president will be Lisa

— ⎛⎛ TUCUNET ⎞⎞ (@TucunetBlog)

2016, the year we voted dangerously, Rajoy, Brexit and Trump. And besides, Bowie died on us. Q arrive already 2017.

— Mongolian Magazine (@revistamongolia)

Can social networks help predict electoral results?

Simply Measureda platform dedicated to the analysis, monitoring and measurement of activities and strategies of , made a detail about the users who had an early vote in these elections. The repercussion of the run-up to the North American elections on social networks made it possible to create a Map that foresees the preference of the voters in the different states, of course, to those who spoke about it on the different platforms.

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Of course it was a measurement only from the people who shared any of the phrases that combine with “I voted for…” on social networks. Seen the final result, it seems clear that the tool underestimated the power of Trump, who achieved victory in states such as Indiana, Kansas or the large states of the south and east of the country, but the difference between his forecast and reality was not so great. large as might be expected.

What seemed clear is that after the last of the official debates between the candidates, the competition was not going to be resolved by a large number of votes, as it has happened in the end. As you can see in this graph, Donald Trump got a higher number of mentions than his Democratic rival.

And you? How did you experience election night in the United States?

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