Twitter is working on a response filter, the next step to reduce hostility on the platform – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Despite the many advantages it has for users to express their ideas and thoughts, the platform also has a dark side. And it is that the anonymity granted by the blue bird social network seems to bring out the worst in people, so on many occasions we find content or comments related to hate.

Twitter wants to eliminate hateful comments and content with its response filter

Thanks to our favorite hacker, , we’ve discovered that Twitter is working on a new offensive to regulate users’ exposure to potentially unwanted responses, developing a “response filter.

Twitter is working on “Reply filter” — an option to filter “potentially unwelcome replies”

— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane)

The purpose of this filter is to allow users to control the type of replies they see to their published tweets. Although it should be noted that this new feature does not seem to have any restrictions on what users post in response, it is a step forward to control offensive responses and provide a better experience for users.

The option offers users the possibility to not seeing certain types of responses that are considered annoying, filtering the comments. A feature that is reminiscent of email spam messages and will now be applied to unwanted tweets.

A system similar to Twitter’s offensive reply warnings

According to what Manchun Wong has published, it is believed that this new filter will be based on the same detection algorithms used by warnings for offensive responses on Twitter. A project that was resumed in February 2021, after being shelved during the 2020 presidential elections.

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Twitter has previously talked about how these warnings have managed to in 30% of cases, users will change or delete the answer that they were going to publish, thus showing its effectiveness. In addition to demonstrating that many people do not intentionally seek to offend or annoy. So a simple pop-up window can achieve an improvement in the platform’s discourse and a better participation through the tweets that are published.

This is a movement that would be very well received by many users, especially by those public figures who are exposed to receiving annoying messages. An example of this is the case of actor Tom Holland, who recently announced that he would take a vacation from the application, since it was affecting his mental health.

For now, Twitter has not commented on these new discoveries and of course has not indicated a release date. However based on the latest examples published by Manchum Wong it is expected to be released soon.


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