After the appeal filed by the association to help drivers European Associated Motorists (AEA) before the Supreme Court, the normal deadlines for the ITV are restored for those vehicles that saw them reduced due to the state of alarm.
During the 2020 confinement caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, thousands of users were unable to attend their ITV appointment to have their vehicles checked. Once this was completed, and given the expected collapse of the Inspection centers, the Government decided to establish an extension of several months for said vehicles.
However, despite passing that inspection later, the previous date was maintained as the date of the next inspection. That is to say, as if the ITV had been passed at the time and not several months late. This fact was detrimental to most of these affected motorists.
Now, and after this AEA resource, the nullity of the second section of the Order of the Ministry of Health 413/2020, of May 15, by which the affected drivers were obliged to have to carry out the following inspection in advance, to have reduced the terms of the ITV. This measure, approved by Royal Decree of September 14, and which re-establishes the normal inspection deadlines, will mean savings of 300 million euros for 6.5 million motorists.
In the next ITV
Thus, after this important sentence, the affected drivers will recover in the following inspection the same number of days in which the previous term would have been reduced. In other words, once the inspection has been carried out, to which the days that were cut during the state of alarm will be added.
According to the president of AEA, Mario Arnaldo, “the rule approved by the Government during the state of alarm was not due to any road safety reason but only and exclusively to economic reasons of private companies that they wanted to favor. This measure was to the detriment of motorists, guaranteeing these companies the collection that they had stopped receiving during the closure of the ITV stations”.
“Now -adds Arnaldo- all that remains is for the General Directorate of Traffic to annul all the fines that have been affected by this new Supreme Court ruling that has declared the cut in the deadlines to pass the next ITV review null and void.”