Web speed: discover how to make your site load fast

A optimized for search engines like Google is not based only on strategies of . Web speed, that is, the loading time of images, texts, files and internal pages, is essential.

Your visitors want to be able to access your content in just a few seconds. The faster the deliverability of your website, the more satisfied they will be.

The user’s browsing experience directly affects the performance of the website and one of the ways to guarantee good access is to make your business page faster and more functional.

Do you want to discover why web speed affects your performance in search engines and how to improve this indicator? Keep reading this text!

We are going to explain:

Why is web speed so important?

Web speed is important because it helps reduce the of the users.

According to the study of , a website with a loading speed between 1 and 10 seconds has a bounce rate of 123%. In other words, people leave it before it opens.

The result is different for pages that open between 1 and 3 seconds: bounce rate drops to 32%. This would be the ideal load time for today’s websites.

The abandonment rate of a web page interferes with Google results and harms the .

For search engine algorithms, a high rejection could be an indicator of low-quality content or a poor browsing experience. Therefore, these sites end up losing positions in search results and, consequently, attracting fewer visits.

In other words, those who want to have good results on the Internet, generating visitors and converting, must ensure that be the best possible.

What affects web speed?

There are a number of factors that affect web speed. Some of them are images and non-optimized files in HTML, CSS or JavaScript format.

Depending on the size and format of these files, the page may take longer than desired to load. A poorly designed website with coding errors also affects performance and opening speed.

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How to measure web speed?

There are several options of tools that diagnose web speed and present optimization suggestions to improve your pages.

Page Speed ​​Insight

is a free speed indicator. When you enter your website URL, it provides you with insights into desktop and mobile speed, mobile user experience, and a score from 0 to 100 indicating whether your page is slower or faster.

Site Speed ​​(Google Analytics)

This tool is part of and gives you a very complete evaluation, as well as optimization suggestions based on the analysis of some aspects of web speed, such as execution time and page loads.

Google Test My Site

will specifically analyze your online page through mobile devices.

It will bring a report on the performance of the pages in the mobile version and what are the suggestions to improve the loading time.

Pingdom Website Speed ​​Test

it is a very complete tool that evaluates the performance of web speed in various places in the world. Through it, it is possible to evaluate the size of the page, the loading time and give it a score with the result of the speed test.


combines Google and Yahoo speed meter analysis criteria to provide a more consistent and detailed result.

You can also test your page speed on slower connections and see how the website performs in different locations around the world.


that offers you the possibility of carrying out speed tests in different parts of the world, from other browsers such as Explorer or Google Chrome.

It is also possible to track the time from start to finish of an upload and then receive a report with suggestions to optimize your website.

Web Page Analyzer

An option for those looking for a good speed analysis. it checks the size of the page and each type of component present on it.

Finally, it offers you suggestions to improve it based on recommended optimizations and benchmark data.

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Website Speed ​​Test

With you can analyze web speed in up to 14 different places and receive a detailed site speed report with an evaluation of the requests made.

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How to make your website load faster?

If you have used the tools that we have indicated and you have been surprised by a negative result, do not be scared. All is not lost and there are some actions you can take to improve the loading of your pages:

1. Optimize images

Load lighter images while maintaining good quality. The format and size of image files influence web speed.

Pay attention when using editing programs and always save the files in web format. Compress your images through editors or programs that have this functionality.

To conclude, there are some plugins in WordPress with functions that help you compress and optimize the images that you will use on your page, such as Y .

2. Enable browsing cache

The cache will keep the data of a website saved on your device or browser and will also make it load much faster.

To enable it, you can use What either which offer resources for saving images, videos, and other files from your website to users’ browsers.

3. Reduce the number of redirects

The goal of redirecting is to take the user from one address to another to open a particular page.

Although redirects are important for tracking access metrics or directing people to the new location of certain content, using them in excess slows down the web speed of your page.

Try to monitor them and find alternative solutions that reduce their use as much as possible, limiting their use to situations that are really necessary.

To help you, plugins like manage redirects on WordPress sites.

4. Use tools to compress CSS, Javascript and HTML files

Use plugins that compress files in CSS, Javascript and HTML formats. The complement is one of the options to compress these files through WordPress, as well as .

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Your codes will become lighter and consequently make your website load faster.

5. Use a CDN

The CDN is a content delivery network, which easily integrates with WordPress sites and hosts your content on a network of servers around the world. Therefore, the distribution becomes faster and improves web speed.

6. Choose a quality hosting service

The hosting service greatly influences the optimization of your website. A quality service has high-performance servers that increase the performance of your website, accelerating its loading.

Find which hosting offers the best services for your needs and those of your business.

Optimize your website and your business

With the Internet reinventing itself and providing more and more content, it is necessary to take advantage of the time users spend online.

A good web speed ensures that your visitors stay longer on your page, as well as guaranteeing them a complete and positive experience during access.

With an opening of just a few seconds, your page will have better results in Google ranking because the search engine will understand that the site’s bounce rate is small and will know that it is also relevant to other users.

Ranking well in Google results increases organic traffic to your site and leads to more conversions. In addition to web speed, SEO is also essential to have a more optimized page in search engines.

That’s why we created a and how you can use it to improve your business performance.

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