What is artificial intelligence? Benefits in e-commerce

Today we live surrounded by numerous types of technologies that facilitate our daily lives. On many occasions, they save us valuable time that we can dedicate to other things.

It is simply a matter of making a request to our mobile device, for example, to carry out different types of tasks, such as sending a message or even making purchases for us.

Have you ever wondered how these tools work? Knowing more about these softwares is not only interesting, but can also greatly benefit you.

Today you are going to learn everything you need to know about what artificial intelligence is, its operation, benefits and how you can apply it to your business.

artificial intelligence concept

Artificial intelligence, commonly abbreviated as AI (or AI for its acronym in English that refers to artificial intelligence), part of the combination of algorithms. But what is an algorithm?

In programming, it is a sequence of logical steps determined to solve a problem. In AI, these algorithms work to endow machines with human-like capabilities. We could say that they provide “intelligence” systems.

Artificial intelligence is then the simulation of human intelligence in machines, based on the use of these algorithms, and giving systems the ability to reason, learn, solve problems and more.

Alan Turing, known as “the father of computing” had already referred to artificial intelligence when raising an unknown about the possibility of endowing thinking machines.

Today it is known that it is more than possible to do so, and that AI is evolving by leaps and bounds.

It is presumed that, with the integration of artificial intelligence in the sales and customer service processes, companies would increase their income by up to 38% during 2022 according to the Accenture report.

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How does artificial intelligence work?

We already mentioned the operation of artificial intelligence through a system of correlated algorithms.

There are different branches of AI that enhance its action to supply systems with greater capabilities and similarities with human thought. Let’s see some of them:

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Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It is a field of AI aimed at facilitating interaction between humans and machines. Its goal is to help systems read and interpret human language to, in many cases, generate an appropriate response or make a decision.

Machine learning

In this discipline of computing, the goal is to provide systems with the ability to identify data patterns.

This scheme allows computers to learn based on previous experiences, data and behaviors. Thus, it can make predictions and perform tasks autonomously without the need to program them.

sentiment analysis

In this area, systems are given the ability to analyze language to determine if it is showing a positive, negative or neutral feeling.

Here the process of natural languages ​​will be combined with machine learning to recognize these feelings and develop responses.

AI applications

Nowadays, artificial intelligence is present in all areas.

The concept has long since ceased to be part of science fiction and became a reality. We don’t need a sophisticated robot to witness artificial intelligence, we can see it on our cell phones and smart devices.

In fact, according to PwC (Pricewaterhouse) itself in one of its reports on AI, 45% of projected economic gains for 2030 will come from artificial intelligence solutions applied to products, customer service and marketing.

Although we have already reviewed how it works, we have not yet fully considered what artificial intelligence is for. We are going to know some examples of items and uses of artificial intelligence today.

AI in Cybersecurity

The application of AI in cybersecurity allows the collection and analysis of massive data. This allows security operations analysts to access resources they previously did not have to stay ahead of threats.

Virtual Personal Assistants

These are AI-based software that help users by automating and performing tasks for them, by understanding and, in many cases, generating human language.

Examples of these are Siri, Alexa, the Google assistant, or the typical ones that we can find all over the internet.

AI in Health

AI is very useful for the health sector since it allows us to offer quick and accurate diagnoses, improve patient follow-up, and make better decisions regarding treatments and their effectiveness.

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The uses of artificial intelligence in the field of health are expected to continue to expand and provide new opportunities to improve the quality of life of people.

AI in Education

Artificial intelligence could reduce difficulties in access to learning and repetitive tasks for teachers, in addition to optimizing teaching methods.

With its application, it will be possible to better understand the profile of students, provide more personalized learning solutions and enhance online learning systems.


It refers to the automation of business processes, with the aim of saving time, reducing costs and increasing productivity and business ROI. It is based on a combination of RPA (robotic process automation), AI and machine learning.

What are the benefits of AI?

To continue delving into what artificial intelligence is and everything that the discipline comprises, let’s analyze the advantages of working with these systems.

Process automation

Although for many the word “automation” still has a negative context, the reality is that there are numerous advantages of automating repetitive processes in any business.

In automation, AI systems replicate the actions that humans would be performing in certain business processes.

Higher productivity

AI allows systems to delegate repetitive tasks that were carried out by humans who could spend their time on more complex things. In this way, not only are business processes optimized, but the productivity of teams increases considerably.

Cost reduction and ROI increase

By reducing the time spent on mechanical tasks, automating them with AI systems, and reinvesting that time in more productive tasks, we will not only be saving costs but also effectively increasing your return on investment (ROI).

Today, according to the PwC report mentioned above, 72% of managers firmly believe that artificial intelligence will be the main competitive advantage of companies that implement it in the coming years.

Decrease in errors

We all make mistakes from time to time, be it a simple typing error or some major mistake. To err is human. AI provides much greater precision than a human being, which prevents the appearance of small errors that could have large consequences.

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better decision making

With artificial intelligence we have the ability to analyze a massive amount of data that would be impossible to process in other ways, and make simple reports in a matter of seconds.

This allows the professionals in charge to make better business decisions.

Why apply AI in an online store?

We have just carried out a comprehensive review of the general benefits that artificial intelligence provides today. But when talking about there are also many advantages of applying AI.

With the integration of AI in a virtual store you will achieve a greater understanding and loyalty of users, automation of tasks, provide constant attention, among other benefits.

In our we have native integrations that will help you provide this solution to your customers.

An example of this is AI chatbots, virtual assistants developed specifically for e-commerce. This solution applies artificial intelligence to achieve a “conversational commerce” process.

Through tools, such as natural language processing and machine learning, it is possible to convert users into customers, resolve their queries, automate tasks and provide constant attention.

These advantages are extremely beneficial for e-commerce: according to a report by the Forrester company, today 69% of adults on the Internet buy more in those businesses where customer service is constant.

You can find more information about this solution by entering our Application Store.


Artificial intelligence has come to revolutionize the world as we know it. It is important that we know the changes that are taking place and the benefits that it will provide in the future.

At Tiendanube we want to help you be ready for new trends and technologies, and AI will be a determining factor in the new industrial revolution that we are going through.

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