What is Domain Authority (DA) and how is it measured –

Domain authority is a term that imposes. Or at least it gives me respect. It is not for less because it is one of the most important terms within SEO and one of the main variables within a web positioning strategy. Specifically, within the SEO off page.

As you can imagine, the more authority, the better and more likely that Google will take into account that website and place it in the first positions of the SERPs.

Enough of introductions, let’s get down to business. I’m going to tell you what is domain authorityor, how AD is measured, how we can improve it and some more questions that you will discover if you continue reading.

What is domain authority?

domain authority is a SEO factor which refers to the relevance that a domain or web page has within the Internet and, more specifically, within Google.

Do you remember those American movies where there was always a very popular baseball player who dated a cheerleader from the team who was also very popular? Well, if the institute were the Internet and they were two web pages, we could say that they had a lot of domain authority. They were very popular.

The domain authority represents the popularity of a website on the Internet.

What does the domain authority depend on?

Generally, the domain authority is determined by the number of external links or referring domains pointing to a web page. In other words, it is very positive that pages, articles and blogs link to our website.

The higher number of links that are achieved for a web page, higher domain authority will have that website and better positioning. Is any link okay? You will ask yourself. Well no. Obviously not. We will always prefer that those links are from pages with a high DAbecause it implies that they are also pages with quality content, a lot of traffic and well positioned.

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Therefore, the domain authority also depends on the web content qualitybecause if the content is of quality and value, it is more likely that other pages will decide to point towards ours.

How is domain authority measured?

Domain authority is measured in a scale from 1 to 100. We should not confuse this term with the page authority (PA). I’ll tell you the differences later.

We have at our disposal several Free SEO tools to know the data of the DA of a web page.

However, first of all you have to know that this particular metric should be considered as something relative. That is the domain authority will give you a global vision of the popularity of your website within the Google index. But in no case is the data reported by these tools EXACTLY the authority of a web page.

The correct thing is that combine domain authority data along with other SEO factors and other metrics to get an idea of ​​how popular a website is.

is the most used tool to measure the authority of a website by its ease of use.

If you want to use MOZ to measure DA, all you have to do is download the MOZ extension for Google Chrome or also known as the MOZ Toolbar.

In addition to giving you the data of the domain authority on the Internet, it will indicate the page authority (Page Authority) of each page you visit. Additionally, you will also be able to see follow and nofollow links within a web page.

Another very useful tool to know the level of popularity of a web page is Ahrefs and its Domain Rating indicator.

Unlike other tools, Ahrefs bases DA indicator on link quality who has a website. In addition, Ahrefs has an internal ranking to check the position of a website regarding the quality of its links and also offers the PA data, but within the tool it is known as URL Rating.

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Majestic SEO is perhaps along with MOZ, the most used tool to measure the SEO authority of a domain. Like the rest of the tools, it has an internal indicator that shows the number of links a domain receives and their quality. Their results are very reliable to know the link profile of a website.

Inside the tool we find two metrics: Citation Flow (CT), that measures the number of incoming links from a website, that is, the DA, and Trust Flow (TF)which measures the quality of links.

Domain Authority (DA) vs Page Authority (PA)

Although they may seem synonymous terms, the truth is that DA and PA are different things.

Like Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA) is measured in a scale from 1 to 100 and refers to the level of authority, but in this case, of a page within a website.

Let’s see if that makes it clearer.

  • DA or Domain Authority corresponds to the domain authority, of a website. For example, from www..
  • PA or Page Authority shows the level of page authority. For example, from our services page within .

How to improve domain authority?

We can improve the authority of a domain by improving the authority of the pages of that domain. However the most relevant factor to improve domain authority are the external links. The higher the authority of the medium that links us, the more authority is transferred to the linked domain.

Other factors that enhance domain authority are age of that domain and the quality of the content of a particular theme.

Other factors that can help the obtained level of DA to improve.

  • The page speed is correct.
  • The keywords are correct and well positioned.
  • The content of the page is of quality.
  • The architecture of the page is correct and facilitates its navigation.
  • The publication of new content is constant.
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There is no magic formula that will get you high domain authority or page authority. The truth is that The secret is to take care of two very important SEO factors: the content or the links.

thanks to a quality content and value, they are more likely to link to the page from other websites. We can take the link as a “recommendation” from other websites and if the content adds value, they will not hesitate to recommend it.

For their part, links also improve domain and page authority. The more external links, the more authority. But, as we have already said, not just any link will help us, these have to be of quality and with a high authority. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the SEO positioning of a web page.

Finally, we must be careful when performing a external linking strategy to prevent Google from penalizing us. It is that they are organic links and are made naturally.

As you can see, DA and PA are two very useful parameters for discover and work other SEO factors. In any case, a high DA and PA add value and popularity to a website, so we must take them into account if we work on a website. SEO strategy.

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