What is sustainable and sustainable: concept, differences and examples

Sustainability is a concept that has become popular in recent decades among different governments, organizations and the population worldwide as a result of environmental deterioration. But there are discrepancies or lack of clarity about what what is sustainable and how it benefits society or the environment.

In this post, I am going to clarify what is sustainable and sustainable, as well as everything related to sustainability and sustainable development to avoid confusion around this issue that, day by day, becomes more relevant. Let’s get started! 🌎

What is sustainable?

Generally speaking, the word sustainable is an adjective that, according to the definition of the RAE, is that ‘that can be sustained or defended with reasons’.

This definition is unclear; especially when the concept with which we relate its meaning is linked to the one used in ecology: sustainability.

The modern concept of sustainability is the ability of the human being as an individual and as a society to satisfy basic needs and promote the improvement of life in the short, medium and long term in harmony with natural resources.

This concept began to be forged in the sixties in various books and forums with the participation of environmentalists. These scientists gave rise to the formation of organisms in charge of safeguarding the environment.

The year 1972 was a historically important date for environmentalism. Well, it was when the foundations of sustainable development and the concept of sustainability were laid in the United Nations Conference in Stockholm.

Twenty years later, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro where the United Nations determined and formalized the current concept of sustainable development and sustainability to protect the environment.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development seeks to preserve, conserve and take advantage of natural resources; Its main objective is to avoid or stop environmental damage in the short and long term. Research and implementation of solutions that prevent the deterioration of wildlife and its environment are one of the main axes or characteristics of sustainable development. Don’t worry, later we will analyze the main characteristics of sustainable development.

Everything would seem perfect if seen from a perspective where economic and social factors do not intervene. The concept of sustainable development is something difficult to achieve. This is due to the development achieved by society over time and the lack of knowledge about the effects of our activities on environmental deterioration and climate damage.

However, the concept of sustainable development comes to curb the ravages of human activities in a way that can be maintained over time without affecting future generations.

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What are the characteristics of sustainable development?

  • Look for the benefit of the environment.
  • Avoid deterioration and preserve natural resources.
  • Promotes individual and regional self-sufficiency.
  • It is applied in the short term with short and long term expectations.
  • Try to curb climate damage caused by human activity.
  • Use resources responsibly and efficiently to avoid waste.
  • Identifies and promotes clean technology opportunities and sustainable projects.
  • Supports the restoration of the environment.
  • Promotes environmental awareness.
  • Protect the biodiversity of the planet.
  • Reuse and recycle the materials of massive use.
  • Reduce waste.

What is a sustainable and socially responsible company?

A sustainable company It is the one that governs its activities with responsibility for its CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions and that has full control of the origin of the materials with which it works, seeking that these be .

On the other hand, a socially responsible company is one that complies with certain social, environmental and economic standards that promote the development of the surrounding communities.

What are sustainable resources?

The term of sustainable resources arises on the subject of sustainable development. Sustainable resources are natural resources that are obtained through processes that do not harm nature or that have a low impact on the ecosystem.

But it is important to mention that, beyond the processes and conditions in which certain resources are obtained; It is also important to take into account the use made of them.

To explain the above, I will use an example. A Mexican couple is going to build their house and is looking for green alternatives for construction and decoration materials.

Those in charge of bioconstruction show them a catalog of suppliers of wood and other certified materials; that is to say, that these natural resources were extracted legally and that their environmental impact is counteracted with other actions, such as the reforestation of natural areas.

Finally they choose a sustainable wood, but this comes from Africa. It would seem that everything is going well, however, despite being a sustainable material, transportation from that continent raises the carbon footprint and that it is a resource obtained in a sustainable way no longer makes much sense. Everything would be more consistent if they chose a local supplier of sustainable wood. 🌱

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Differences between sustainable and sustainable

Sustainable development is one in which society – mainly governments, organizations and companies – seeks a balance between the progress of our civilization for economic and social growth, and care for the environment. In other words, sustainable development prioritizes economic growth and seeks the development of society; without compromising the natural resources of the planet for current and future generations – it is a long-term project.

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The main difference is that sustainable tends to be much more drastic and not very actionable. Either because of costs or because underdeveloped countries do not have the tools to apply pro-environmental initiatives. In this way, sustainable development analyzes all the aspects involved to offer solutions that can be carried out.

The (Semarnat) maintains that the sustainable serves to argue, explain and plan; while ‘what is sustainable is what can be maintained for a long time without depleting resources’ and without harming the development of society. More clear?

Types of sustainability

  • social sustainability
  • Environmental or ecological sustainability
  • economic sustainability

There are three types of sustainability, although some authors name political sustainability as another type of sustainability; however, this category belongs to social sustainability. Let’s look at each type in detail below.

social sustainability

Social sustainability considers the development of societies. For this reason, both the government, non-profit organizations and society are involved in this area.

The development of public policies and the collaboration of various private sectors are essential for sustainable social development that allows a balance between economic growth, social equity and care for the environment.

Environmental or ecological sustainability

Environmental sustainability seeks to increase biological diversity and natural resources, integrity of ecosystems, as well as good quality and optimization of the use of water and air. The correct management and conservation of natural resources are its main objective.

Among the most important activities of environmental sustainability are environmental education. But the use of green technologies and renewable energies, as well as the research and development of processes that allow the care of the environment as well.

economic sustainability

On the other hand, economic sustainability encompasses everything related to the profitability of production processes of any product or service that helps satisfy human needs.

There are human activities that are not sustainable because they are destroying reserves of non-renewable natural resources. But if cost-effective alternatives are not developed, it is almost impossible to stop their use.

As you may have noticed, the types of sustainability are closely related and designed to promote sustainability. In this way, the UN proposes to fulfill .

Examples of sustainable development ♻️

  • Organic farming and organic products.
  • Low environmental impact fishing.
  • Sustainable livestock.
  • Implementation and development of renewable energies (solar, wind, hydro, bioenergy).
  • Consumption of local products and services.
  • Use of biodegradable garbage.
  • Recycling waste.
  • Reduction of non-biodegradable and non-recyclable waste.
  • Bioclimatic, ecological and sustainable architecture.
  • Optimization of water consumption.
  • Development of technology and low-impact alternatives.
  • Ecotourism or responsible tourism.
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Organic farming and organic products

The massive production of food implies a large consumption of water, as well as the use of chemicals and pesticides that affect the ecosystem and the life of a natural environment.

Organic farming seeks to make optimal and sustainable use of the natural resources of its environment and does not use chemicals or pesticides for crop production.

Low environmental impact fishing

Sustainable or low environmental impact fishing and aquaculture seek the conservation, repopulation and use of the natural resources of oceans, rivers and all environments where fishing or breeding of aquatic species is practiced.

This with the aim of reducing industrial fishing; activity that prevents the control and selection of animals that enter large networks. What damages the ecosystem and increases collateral damage in species that are not used for human consumption; even in species that are in danger of extinction.

sustainable livestock

Just as sustainable agriculture and fishing seek to care for the natural environment while satisfying the consumption needs of society, they also promote the economic development of local populations.

Sustainable and sustainable livestock seek to reduce greenhouse gases, take advantage of water and natural fodder to obtain the best productivity that allows a less aggressive cycle than large-scale livestock.

Implementation and development of renewable energies

Green energies, also known as renewables, are those that use inexhaustible resources such as the sun, wind, biomass, etc. In contrast, non-renewable energies come from limited natural sources such as fossil fuels.

There are several types of green energy such as solar, wind, hydro and bioenergy.

Consumption of local products and services

The consumption of local food, materials and services implies fewer polluting emissions because they require fewer resources to transport from the point of origin to the end point of the production.

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