What is USP and how to find the Unique Value Proposition for your business?

It is nothing new that the market is increasingly competitive and that it is necessary to stand out. Therefore, knowing what PUV is and how to apply it is essential.

In this post we will talk about the USP concept, why it is so important for a startup and how you can build it efficiently to attract the right customers.

Keep reading until the end because we will also show you a very useful practical example!

What is a Unique Value Proposition?

USP or Unique Value Proposition, is a brief concept that defines a company and the solutions it offers. This phrase brings the essence of a brand and helps it stand out among market competitors..

The objective of the USP is to reflect the uniqueness of a company, showing, in summary, what it is, what problems it solves, what public it impacts and how it does so.

Why is it important to define the USP of your business?

Having a defined Unique Value Proposition is fundamental for any undertaking, since it increases the perception of value of your brand, .

In addition, the USP is an excellent strategy to unify the company’s communication and align campaigns, marketing actions and sales pitch, among other aspects.

This makes the company transmit to the public a greater and consistency as well to differentiate itself from its competitors.

How to find the Unique Value Proposition of your business?

Now that you understand why it is essential to build a USP, we are going to show you how to build the ideal one for your business, considering 5 essential guidelines.

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1. Analyze your competitors

A good way to start your proposal is . It is not enough to know the objectives of your company without understanding what the others are delivering value in the market.

But be careful: analyzing your competitors does not mean copying them, but rather you must differentiate yourself from what is already there and make your proposal more attractive and interesting for your audience.

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2. Understand your buyer persona

Know the profile and problems of the public using a well defined is essential in any business strategy, as it helps to understand how to offer solutions.

Also, when you have a good analysis of your buyer persona, your efforts will be guided by the interests of this specific model, including the creation of your USP. In other words, the essence of your brand must satisfy their needs and desires.

3. Know your business thoroughly

Something that many entrepreneurs still have difficulty is knowing their brand from top to bottom. It may seem a bit controversial, but mastering your solutions and summarizing the essence of your business in a few words is not an easy task.

For this reason, it is important to dedicate some time to reflection and study about your own company. Thus, you will understand more deeply what you deliver and you will achieve a clearer and more objective communication.

4. Focus

It is important to focus on serving a more specific segment of the audience and addressing their problem or need, rather than wanting to cover too broad a user base, as this makes it difficult to establish and communicate the USP.

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So one piece of advice is identify what main problem you will focus on with your companyhow will you solve it and who will you help.

Over time, other solutions may arise, but your activities must follow a single objective so that your audience understands what your Unique Value Proposition is and feels attracted.

5. Put yourself in the place of the public

In the process of building a USP, the exercise of putting oneself in another’s shoes is very valuable.

This is a way of seeing your business from a different perspective than you usually have and will help you understand the main differentials of your brand or product, making you deliver an even more relevant proposal.

Example of Unique Value Proposition

In practice, it is possible to develop a Unique Value Proposition inspired by a formula. The idea is to think of a sentence, considering the topics that we have presented previously, in the following way:

The product offers the benefit what for the public stop suffering with the problem or problems via of method X.”

To illustrate, let’s think of a fictitious company that sells skin care products. The “Care” brand could have a USP like this:

The Care product line offers wellness and health so that the modern women stop suffering with lack of time to take care of your skin via of the routine 5 minutes daily.”

The underlined words are the keywords and expressions that make it clear what the product is, what it offers, for whom, the problem it solves and how it does it.

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Clever! In just one sentence the objective and differential of the brand is summarized.

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Attract the right audience

Having a well-constructed Unique Value Proposition is essential for your business. In addition to solidly positioning the brand and showing authority in the market, it is a guide for the entire company to work towards a single goal.

In this way, communication will be aligned, projects will be more objective and clear, and your purpose will make much more sense. internally and externally.

With an efficient USP, you are going to attract the right audience. And, from there, your mission will be to transform these new customers into followers. Because it is not enough to attract him, your client must follow you and find value in your solution.

Even for your company to convert consumers into brand promoters, we have an article that will help you know everything about customer loyalty.

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