Only a few weeks left for the long-awaited National Lottery Christmas Draw and this year many shoppers will turn to eCommerce stores to find their lucky numbers. According to a 2018 report from the State Society of State Lotteries and Gambling (SELAE), this type of sales represented the 2% of what is playedalthough like everything that has to do with eCommerce, it is foreseeable that this figure has not stopped growing year after year, as has the number of imaginative campaigns to promote your purchase.
Precisely this year, the announcement of the Christmas lottery comes inspired by a chain of tenths, under the concept “The raffle that unites us”. On this occasion, the content has been developed by the Contrapunto BBDO agency and it shows how a small town comes together through a chain of invisible friends who, of course, give away tenths for the draw.
To continue with this philosophy, we have created our own chain 😉 with some of the best options for your online lottery purchase. And it is that many websites have gone from allowing to reserve tenths online, to sell them directly. Do you want to know what they are?
Where to buy Christmas Lottery online: administrations
witch d’or
Let’s start with the most popular option to buy Christmas lottery online in administrations. With his golden witch at the entrance, It is one of the best-known establishments where you can buy Christmas lottery in all of Spain. It exceeds 175 years of history and, since 1992, has distributed three Gordos, in addition to other minor prizes. Nowadays, 86% of Bruixa d’Or’s turnover comes from online sales channels. On its website, it offers combined purchase options for Christmas and El Niño and the possibility of choosing endings and packs of tenths with the same number.
Dona Manolita
This mythical and centennial Madrid administration was founded by Doña Manolita in 1904. After several moves, today it is located at Calle del Carmen nº 22, where it is famous, in addition to the prizes distributed, for the long queues that form at its doors, especially as the day of the Christmas raffle approaches. Through its web page, , the devotees of the establishment will be able to avoid those waits when buying the Christmas lottery, choosing a number with the desired ending or leaving it to chance.
Wellness Lottery
From this online lotteries administration you will not only be able to buy Christmas lottery, but any other of the modalities of the National Organization of State Lotteries and Betting, such as Primitiva, Bonoloto or Quiniela. you’ll find tenths of lottery of different provinces.
El Negrito Lottery
This establishment manages through the web the orders of the centennial Administration No. 6 of Alicantethe oldest in the province to buy Christmas lottery.
Manises lottery
Another option to buy your tenth is from one of the luckiest lottery administrations in Spain in recent years, which has given the Christmas fat 3 times (2012, 2013 and 2018), second prize in 2011 and third prize in 2018, in addition to 12 fifth prizes and 2 fourth Grand Prizes.
Ormaechea Lottery
This is one of the most popular administrations in Bilbao. More than a hundred jackpots awarded and a page where the user can buy a Christmas lottery.
Sagasta Lottery
This famous Sevillian administration, inaugurated in 1919, is known as “the one with the millions” for having distributed the Christmas Gordo twice and the Child’s Gordo four times. allows you to place orders online on its website, although in this case, with “a minimum notice of 10 days before the date of the draw”.
Valdes Lottery
Valdes Lottery gave its first Gordo in 1935 and, since then, it has been crowned as one of the administrations that has distributed the most prizes. In the heart of Barcelona’s Rambla, today it offers its tenths online. Users can choose between the different numbers hung on
State lotteries and bets
And, of course, it also allows you to buy tenths for the online Christmas draw, selecting from those still available.
What touches you … depends on you
As you can see, we have given you ten different possibilities where to buy Christmas Lottery online. Now all you have to do is click… and good luck!
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