Which oppositions are the best paid: up to 65,000 euros of annual salary

When choosing what to compete for, obviously many people do so based on their vocations, their studies and the requirements or difficulty that exist. But within some fields such as law, economics or some technical positions, the salary differences can also be very important.

The salary difference by groups

At the time of , everything starts with the base salary, and this is linked to the groups of officials, which are the following:

– Group A (with subgroups A1 and A2): requires a university degree

– Group B: requires a higher technical title.

– Group C: requires a Baccalaureate and Subgroup C2, which requires a degree in ESO.

– Group E: that does not require a degree

Thus, an official from group A1 receives a base salary of 1,200 euros, but that sum is much lower for those in group E who can stay at 650.

This is where plugins come into play, such as seniority, target and specific plugins, or productivity plugins. In this section of the finance website you can see them all broken down.

Salaries of up to 65,000 per year

Leaving aside notaries and property registrars, who despite being civil servants do not have a public salary, the first in the ranking of the best paid are the Treasury Inspectors, who can earn between 40,000 and 65,000 euros gross per year, depending on their antiquity.

They are followed by State Lawyers, also with a salary that can reach 60,000 euros per year. After them, judges, prosecutors and State auditors continue on the scale with about 50,000 euros per year.

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The oppositions with the best salaries, compared to the simplest or those with the most places

However, these oppositions are not usually easy or a large number of places.

We must also take into account the regularity of the calls if what we want and start studying.

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