Why do I have oily hair and how should I take care of it?

Oily scalp is a common problem, especially in adolescence and youth, in women and men. But it can also affect adulthood. According to the pharmacist Rocío Escalante, owner of Arbosana Farmacia, “it is caused by hyperseborrhea, an excess production of fat, which causes sebum to accumulate in the roots of the hair. The hair feels heavy, and has a flattened appearance, it looks dirty because the sebum traps the dust that is present in the air and that easily adheres to the hair.It is quite annoying because even on the same day that the hair is washed it can be limp, greasy, with a dirty appearance, without shine or movement.

Why do I have oily hair?

The most frequent cause of oily scalp is “a hormonal imbalance, something that usually happens in adolescence, and that is usually corrected with age, although it is true that some people in adulthood continue to suffer from this imbalance that leads them to produce excessive sebum both on the scalp and on the skin. In general, having oily skin and a tendency to suffer from acne breakouts usually coincide with having an oily scalp, “says the expert.

Another cause, according to the pharmacist, “is stress, which can also cause hyperseborrhea in certain people, especially those who have a genetic predisposition. In addition, the use of products that remove part of the necessary lipids from the scalp or inappropriate products for the type of scalp, they can cause oiliness.

How to take care of oily hair?

To take care of an oily scalp it is important to “wash it whenever necessary, it is more harmful to leave the oil on the scalp. But you have to use the right products for this problem. To make it very clean, you should wet the scalp and gently wash without lots of water, in this way the “fat-trapping” agents will do their job better. It is advisable to use products with active ingredients that have antiseptic and/or antifungal properties, such as zinc, curbicea or melaleuca,” says Rocío Escalante.

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The expert also advises choosing shampoos aimed at spacing out the frequency of washing, regulating the hyperproduction of sebum. In addition, it is advisable to use a hair scrub once a week to remove impurities from the scalp and prevent the follicle from becoming clogged.

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