With these illnesses you are more likely to receive a permanent disability pension

Permanent disability pensions are more than 947,000 in our country, according to Social Security data for the month of May. One in ten Spanish pensioners receive one of these pensions, which are intended for those who lose economic resources after an accident or illness that limits or even cancels their ability to work.

For each of the (partial, total, absolute and severe disability) it must be proven that the causal event is sufficient to be entitled to the pension. In the case of diseases, as Social Security does not have any information catalogue, attention must be paid to the organizations that usually deal with these procedures and to previous experience.

In the law firm specialized in these procedures there is a list of diseases and ailments that, in general, bring together successful requests for these disability pensions. In any case, it is a list that includes the cases in which there are more approvals.

In any case, the firm reports that this list is not a panacea, that “there are no diseases, there are patients” and that, therefore, the ailments that affect a person and generate a disability pension are not what to cause the same right to another person in the same situation.

In general terms, these are the illnesses (divided by sections) that usually comprise most of the pensions for permanent disability:



Digestive system

-Crohn’s disease

-Morbid obesity

-Chronic pancreatitis

-ulcerative colitis


-Heart disease



-Cardiovascular diseases


-Atrial fibrillation

-Mitral regurgitation

-Tetralogy of Fallot

-Pulmonary hypertension


-Acute myocardial infarction

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-Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.

psychic illnesses



-Anxiety disorders

-Bipolar disorder

-obsessive compulsive disorder

-Borderline personality or post-traumatic stress


-Burnout Syndrome

-Drug addiction, gambling or alcoholism

Internal Medicine

-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


-Systemic lupus erythematosus

-Chemical sensitivity


-Chronic renal insufficiency

-Kidney transplant


-COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

-Sleep apnea


-Occupational or occupational asthma


-Respiratory diseases caused by asbestos





-Peripheral neuropathy



-Multiple sclerosis

-Myasthenia gravis

-Head injuries


-Arnold Chiari, Lambert-Eaton and Post Polio syndromes



-Loss of vision

-Retinal detachment


-Optic neuropathy


-Breast cancer

-Lung cancer

-Cancer of the rectum


-Meniere’s syndrome

-Hearing loss



-Rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis

-ankylosing spondylitis

-Chronic fatigue

-Behcet’s disease


-Serious pathologies of the hand, hip, shoulder, elbows or feet


-low back pain

-Cervical hernia

-Perthes disease

– Cauda equina syndrome

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