Women entrepreneurs: tips, phrases and stories to inspire you

Women entrepreneurs are creative, resilient and persevering. These are the characteristics that the cloud store owners that we selected for interviews repeat the most. The idea is to learn from them and their businesses! In addition to his words, we bring you advice, phrases and lots of information to encourage you to take the entrepreneurial leap!

There are many and in today’s article we decided to focus on those carried out by women. We invite you to learn about the stories and brands of these women entrepreneurs to learn, get inspired and, why not, create your own business!

🧭 Let’s start talking about the importance of purpose in every business by taking three examples that are iconic in terms of the feminine. Then, we rounded up testimonials from other female-led brands talking about entrepreneurship.

As if that were not enough, to complete this guide we also bring you advice and, finally, phrases from women entrepreneurs. Let’s get right into the subject!

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Purposeful brands led by women

He is what gives birth to him and what keeps him alive. In a way, it is about the objective pursued by the brand, why it exists, what it is looking for with its products or services.

Within the framework of Women’s Day, we launched a campaign on our Instagram account where we share 3 brands led by women entrepreneurs who have a strong and clear purpose.

As a manifesto, these ideas are part of the identity of their brands and guide each of the steps that take them forward and make them grow. Shall we meet them?

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floppy kenny

We start with the case that extols the female legacy. Her name was born from the combination of the diminutive of her owner’s name and her maternal surname.

Part of the purpose that guides Floppy Kenny is to convey the values ​​that set it apart: honesty, simplicity, transparency and naturalness.

Learn much more about the brand here!

we are mess

In the case of the fundamental pillar is freedom. The making of their clothes is based on the freedom of bodies, to wear the clothes that each person wants and to show themselves in an authentic way.

The enterprising women who run this brand are sisters and, without a doubt, this feminine alliance also brings a unique energy and vitality to the business.

Find out more about his story!

👚 We invite you to learn.

Raff Intimates

The turn comes where we take empowerment as a central concept. Cami founded her business when she was very young and managed to make it grow and inspire many other women.

We could say that it is a business for women because it has more than 1,500 resellers that work as a springboard for their designs to reach more and more people.

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I kept learning about this brand!

To continue learning about the purpose of brands and their importance in all entrepreneurship, we invite you to see one of the blocks from the first edition of our #Potenciate event:

With the aim of completing this map of entrepreneurship for women, it was time to find out more stories and their protagonists. How did they start? What inspired your businesses? Why did you decide to create your virtual stores? Let’s keep going!

5 women entrepreneurs talk about their businesses

We are going to introduce you to 5 women entrepreneurs who are leading successful businesses and grew up with Tiendanube. They all had a challenging journey and we wanted them to share their experiences with us, to inspire others to start selling online.

They are:

  • Mechi Lozada from Soy un Mix,
  • Dani Fontana of Medele Toys,
  • Tami Cabarcos from Feltin Pastry Shop,
  • Vicky Benaim and Mara Parra from Fera Design.

We asked each of them to answer five key questions about their main challenges when starting a business, their most important lessons learned and how they managed to achieve a successful store.

Mechi is an Argentine living in France. Globetrotter, passionate about everything she does and with an entrepreneurial energy that goes beyond the screen.

A long time ago she started her where she began to share recipes, crafts and maternity stories. A mix of things!, as she called it. Then, through hers, she began to show her daily life and created a beautiful community around her.

From the Côte d’Azur, he opened his Tiendanube more than 4 years ago. There he sells his products to all of Argentina and works with his mother-in-law, who takes care of it.

She says that in one afternoon she was able to upload the first products to her Tiendanube and started selling, just like that!

From that moment she has not stopped, everything she undertakes is done with a share of creativity and, on this path, she chose to work as a team with other women entrepreneurs to create her products.

She started selling home decor products online inspired by her house. Today she has a wide line of products such as vinyl, textiles, accessories, online courses and dresses, the recent addition that was all the rage this season.

Question Ping Pong for Mechi

1) 5 words that for you describe “being an entrepreneur”.
  1. Organization
  2. Creativity
  3. Resilience
  4. Perseverance
  5. Optimism
2) What was your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur, from the beginning of your business until today?

The biggest challenge as an entrepreneur in Argentina is to adapt to changes in the market and the economy.

You have to find a way around daily problems, such as wanting to replace a product and there being no more stock (and not knowing when it will come back in) or the rise in prices of inputs that are dollarized.

It is a daily challenge, but I think that Argentine entrepreneurs are very creative and, at least for me, I always try to find a way around it without lowering the quality of my products.

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3) If you had to choose your 2 greatest learnings in this entrepreneurial path, what would they be?

Knowing how to listen to my clients and their needs. My great aspiration is to solve problems or disagreements with my clients. For example, one of my best-selling products is adhesive vinyl tiles, which are used to improve and modernize any space.

Many people rent or do not have the possibility of renovating an environment, so they turn to vinyl because they really provide a cheap and fast solution. I confess that I love seeing that with little money my clients can transform a kitchen or bathroom.

Another thing I learned is that I can’t do everything with everything and that I have to trust people who complement me in order to be able to delegate.

Of course this came with the growth of the brand, in the beginning I was the one who did absolutely everything. If they have the budget to do it from the beginning, even better!

Not all of us know how to do everything and for me it is essential to delegate what one is not so good at.

4) What would you say to women who are thinking of starting their own business, but still don’t dare?

For me, starting a business was one of the best decisions I made in my life. I also know that it is not for everyone. It can become very demanding and tiring, especially at the beginning where resources are generally few and we have to do everything.

For us to do well, we have to put a lot of claw, head, heart and train nonstop. If you are thinking of starting a business, my advice would be to give it a try. There is not much to lose, but much to gain!

5) How did Tiendanube help you in your entrepreneurship?

Tiendanube was one of the key pieces for the birth, development and growth of Soy un Mix as a product brand. I remember as if it were yesterday that I decided to start selling my first products.

It only took me 5 minutes to create an account and in one afternoon I had all the articles uploaded to the platform and I was generating sales.

Today, selling without an online platform is very difficult and I recommend everyone, as a first instance, to create a store.

I am a mega fan of Tiendanube and I am super grateful to them for continuing to accompany me on this entrepreneurial path.

Dani started importing wooden toys in 2016. She says that she knew nothing about imports and even less about social networks.

Today he is a tiktoker and in his show he shows us that to sell online you also need a share of humor and, especially, to establish a bond with your followers so that they become customers.

He sells “toys forever”, as he likes to say. When she started her business, she really wanted to bring those toys that we only see when we travel and that, she confesses, she would have loved to have when she was little.⁣

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Like all women entrepreneurs, she had ambition and initiative. She took the risks and thanks to that internal motor that entrepreneurs have, she was encouraged.

That dream became a reality and he joined his family in the business. She assigned a role to each, although many of her tasks are still performed by her. Through her humor, she makes them want to buy toys, even those who don’t have children!

For 5 years he has been selling online throughout the country through his online store.

Question Ping Pong for Dani

1) 5 words that for you describe “being an entrepreneur”.
  1. Courage
  2. Constancy
  3. Permanent learning
  4. Ability to connect with other entrepreneurs
  5. Flexibility
2) What was your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur, from the beginning of your business until today?

Being able to show myself, because I was too embarrassed. I constantly thought about the people who knew me, what they were going to say, what they were going to criticize me for.

Today I went to the other extreme hahaha! I am convinced that it works, that the followers are interested in seeing who is behind the brand, that a bond is generated that makes them choose you.

Another great challenge was streamlining processes. Above all, billing and shipping. I still need to delegate other tasks, but without those resolved I couldn’t move forward.

3) If you had to choose your 2 greatest learnings in this entrepreneurial path, what would they be?

What to advertise? Social networks don’t show you if you don’t pay and nobody buys from you if they don’t know you.

That you don’t have to look at the number of followers but at the interaction that the influencer has with them (if they respond to them, how they are treated, etc.), how that group is made up and if that coincides with your ideal client.

I traded with a person who had 4 million followers and sat waiting for the sales…they never came. Her followers were men and my is definitely a woman. You learn from everything.

4) What would you say to women who are thinking of starting their own business, but still don’t dare?

Entrepreneurship is not easy. I would never recommend leaving a job in a dependency relationship, with the stability that this entails, for an enterprise. It seems more prudent to start in parallel, try the product, see if you like it, evaluate if it is profitable and if it is scalable.

And above all, be very clear that it is not a hobby. There is nothing wrong with having a hobby, but it is a mistake to confuse it with your business.

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