【 BEST Free Public DNS Servers 】 List ▷ 2022

Despite the fact that you can spend a lot of time browsing the Internet, you do not know for sure the system that facilitates this important task because, generally, their assignment is automatic and invisible to you. However, it is valuable to take this type of system into account, which also allows the use of simpler names in order to remember an IP.

With all this, we refer to the DNS servers They are freely accessible and best of all, they are free. Which, refer to a service that encourages your browsing the net and for greater benefit, allows you to do a private browsing. Thus, he is able to bypass regional lockslike optimize the connection of your equipment.

Given the relevance of this type of servers, in this post we will focus on explaining what is DNS aboutthe types that exist, how can you know which one your computer uses, the advantages and disadvantages that they bring together and also the best public DNS servers you can use.

What are DNS and what types are there?

While it is true, the acronym DNS means “Domain Name Server”, which in Spanish is “Domain Name System”. This system is a protocol that exhibits a main function and refers to link domain names to IP addresses. Thus, they have the ability to translate names that are intelligible to humans in the very important IP address of a server that, of course, contains said domain.

Likewise, the dns service It is in charge of locating and directing the client with the server that it owns worldwide. So, it basically serves to tell each user to type a domain, Which server should you go to to save the website you want to consult?at one point.

In reference to its operation, they make use of a database that is completely decentralized and hierarchicalin which the information regarding the domain names that are in the entire network is housed.

In addition to this, it also stores other kinds of important information, such as the location of email services that each domain has and many other utilities for the execution of everything related to Internet browsing.

Now, as for the main types of DNS servers that exist today, we locate the following three:

  • User: It refers to the DNS that the user uses as domain names at the time of request a connection to a specific website or service on the network. This is identified with the registered countries or their nature. For example: .es (in Spain), .edu (education), .org (organizations), among others.
  • name resolvers: Are those that are used in software and they are the ones that are in charge of inquiring into a cache of names. In general, they use it to locate an IP associated with a name in a program or a name associated with an IP address.
  • name server: This type is related to name resolvers, because they are in charge of attend to all requests from resolvers. Which can be both free and paid.
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How to know that DNS I have working on my computer?

To know that DNS is working on your computer, the procedure to follow is not specifically the same in all cases. In view of the fact that each brand and each model of router uses a different distribution around its menus and all the options it offers. Therefore, it is not necessary to indicate which sections to access to do so. But, in the same way, with the instructions that we give you below, It will not be difficult to know this essential information either..

In this sense, you should start with enter your router settings. To achieve this, it is appropriate open the browser and write the IP address that the device shows ( or, for instance). In case you have no idea about it, it is valuable that you consult your user manual or call the technical service of your Internet provider and thus, the procedure will be completely simplified.

Then, once you access your router, go to the section that refers to the DNS server. As, for example, in the section “Advanced Setup”, which was the case in our case because it contains the DNS statement (this step is easier). After, access the DNS server options and at that point, you can locate the IP address of the two DNS servers of your provider and with it, know which one is running on your PC.

Advantages and disadvantages of using public DNS on your computer

As there are public DNSit is important to know that benefits reveal, as well as the cons to using them. Therefore, below, we indicate the main advantages and disadvantages of using a public DNS on any computer:

The advantages

  • Being free DNS, they also give you a free space where to upload the web.
  • With them, you can bypass regional blocks that usually get in the way of your web search and thus limit access to various websites.
  • Although they are free, many of this type manage to increase the response speeds of your computer when searching any web page.
  • Many of these DNS promise to add an extra layer of security and thanks to this, you can prevent DDoS attacks.

The disadvantages

  • Lots of these DNS servers include advertising on all web pages and this is totally annoying.
  • They do not present a guarantee and because of this, you can’t demand that it work perfectly every day and at all times.
  • Regarding software, you can’t request than the server program where you have the web, keep up to date and present the latest versions of it.
  • Most Free DNS They don’t provide you with backups..
  • As they are free, they can know the IP address of your equipment and also, monitor the pages you access through this service.
  • They do not encrypt or hide your IP address while you are denying over the Internet. Therefore, the same operators and companies to whose free DNS you are connected, will be able to get some private data about you.
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List of the 10 best public DNS servers that you can use

As promised is debt, in this section we present you the best public and free DNS servers that exist worldwide and that of course, we recommend you use in your team.

Detailing in this way, its most important characteristics, below:


It is identified with: and So, it’s about an alternative offered by the renowned Russian search engine, Yandex. Being this, a great online service used worldwide that exhibits good characteristics for its users.

Mainly, because in addition to the basic addresses that it presents (the ones detailed at the beginning), it also promises the Safe DNS ( and that are used to block malicious websitesas well as another directed to restrict adult contentwhich is known as the DNS Family ( and

Google Public DNS

Identified with: and; It is a free service provided by the renowned Google search engine and in order to help the most inexperienced users, it is a DNS directed for said people, for which presents fully detailed explanations within its online documentation.

However, one of the biggest disadvantages of , is that, unlike many other options, saves anonymous browsing data. However, it exhibits the ability to delete your IP address after 24 or 48 hours to fulfill your web browsing through its servers.

Comodo Secure DNS

This public and free server is identified with: and That being the case, an assist run by the company Comodo which specializes in security products and was founded in the UK.

Thanks to this, it is estimated as one of the DNS solutions that offers more privacy to its usersin view of the fact that, although it is a free service, it has the competence of block any web page that endangers your private information or your computer and likewise, it removes spyware and all domains that display a lot of advertisements.


Your identification: and It is one of the more modern, because it was launched until three years ago (in 2016). But, in the same way, it is an option recommended by experts.

Above all because guarantees great security by presenting the best options for blocking malicious domains from the web and this it manages to identify from various public and private sources it has collected over time. Added to this, its greatest benefits are based on the great browsing speed it shows and in the excellent performance that offers.

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Public DNS Server List

This service focuses on a data base where you can get a large number of these and free that are found in all parts of the world. Due to the fact that the list it shows is quite extensive, it is considered an excellent option for you to select the solution that seems best to you, especially since you can filter the search results by country and in this way, get one that fits everything you are looking for. Since the closer he is to you, he could give you a higher level of security compared to other alternatives.

Scrub IT

This is another of the best options you have at hand to make use of a free public DNS server that achieves filter sites with pornographic content, any kind of malicious content or phishing.

Since, it differs from the others by presenting this capacity, with which each user will have the possibility of adapting their Internet browsing, as they wish. In addition, it is recommended to use it for family or corporate environments. ScrubIT is identified with: and


This server is identified with: and A) Yes, OpenDNS is characterized by providing excellent browsing speedin addition to always being available to its users and as if that were not enough, it cares about their privacy and security, by block by default, any phishing website.

It even allows you to establish parental control, for those who want it. All this, for free and additionally, offers a paid service that adds more and better functions. Therefore, it is estimated as one of the public DNS most important on the web.


Now, we recommend this other DNS that is identified with the servers: and which operates in order to provide great performance and speed while users browse the web. But, beyond that, it focuses on maintain the privacy of its usersTherefore, it does not use your personal data to serve advertising and additionally, it does not save anything regarding the IP address of the computer with which you normally browse. Which means that it is another of the best that exists today.


This DNS server is identified by: and Which is offered by the American multinational company, Level 3 Communications….

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