【 Earn Money with Google Advertising 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

With the Google advertising program it is possible to start receive monthly income if you have a website or a website in which you frequently generate content of interest to the audience, regardless of the theme it has, as long as the established rules are respected.

This service has been operating since 2000 and has thousands of affiliates around the world. It is a shared profit system, in which Google keeps the majority and divides a percentage with the creators.. The advantage is that anyone can join and you start with sites that have a small number of visitors per month.

with Google advertising, in this course you will find the most important aspects that you should know. Among them, how the ads work, how much profit you can make and what steps to take to achieve good results.

How does Google advertising work?

The Google advertising platform It is one of the most important, so it has many affiliates. Most of the ads that appear when browsing the Internet come from precisely there. Google charges interested parties because their ads are reflected on various online sitesadapting to the strategies that advertisers have, taking into account the objective and the public they want to impact.

based on it a quality assessment is made and are given a qualification. that are for sale of a specific product or display which are images that have various sizes and locations.

Along with the above are the videos and links in the mobile applications. And in the case that interests you, if you have a blog or a Youtube channelonce you join the service, Google will begin to insert advertising in the format that they consider convenient. To the extent that the website has many visitors and the ads are seen, the same will be the profits that you will obtain.

How much money can you earn with advertising?

There is no specific answer to this question. There are websites that generate 5 euros a month, others 50 and there are some that manage to earn 100 and up. There are many factors that are taken into account, including the country in which you live, how productive is the niche in which you operate and the number of visitors you have.

A practical example comes out of this comparison. If you have a blog that receives approximately 1,000 visitors a month, you will generate an average of 30 euros. Therefore, it is important to analyze how much time you will invest and what strategy you will use to attract people to your website. You must remember that online advertising works by payment per click, which is known as PPC or CPM, which is the income obtained per thousand impressions. The more traffic you get, the more visibility your ads will have.

Learn how to earn money with Google advertising

You don’t have to be a computer or marketing expert to take advantage of the advertising system that Google makes available to you If you are a content creator. then you will see five key elements that you must understand and apply so as not to fail in the attempt If you want to earn money with online ads.

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Go for it:

Create a website or YouTube channel

These are two ways to join the Google advertising program. Create a website or blog that has quality content in the end it will influence the number of visitors. You can post new information every day or series of articles that arouse curiosity and invite you to return again. Organize well and promote the material in such a way that it is easy to notice the advertisements.

If you already have a YouTube channel, monetize the content by linking it to your AdSense account. Select the video(s) you want to promote as well as the type of ads you want to display. In the administrator who owns the platform you can enter and check what level of income you have achieved so far.

position yourself

The Google search engine is the most used in the world, which is why content creators must worry about appearing in the first places regarding the theme they are working on and in this way achieve high income. One of the effective ways to achieve this goal is by reviewing the tendencies that people have when searching on Google.

Another way to achieving proper positioning is an expression that translated into Spanish means search engine optimization. This is achieved by properly configuring the website so that it appears among the first places every time a certain keyword is researched.

create a community

A community is a great way to promote your brandeither a website or a channel of Youtube. This helps the growth of the site and find potential customers. To do so, it is necessary to choose a theme and then attract people who are interested in the information.

For the community to be successful, you must learn to listen to the comments of those who follow you, publish valuable content, put up a subscription form and use serial writing. Once you capture attention, readers will return frequently, share the material, and this activity will increase publicity levels.

Generates a lot of traffic

If you have a blog or website and you do not bring visitors to it, it will be of no use to you. When speaking of traffic, reference is made to the activity carried out by followers on a page, which includes downloading, browsing, viewing and reading. The form of access can be done directly by placing the address in the browser bar or through social networks.

Among the best ways to drive traffic to your site are: publish continuously and frequently; make good use of social networks, write for third-party blogs related to your niche, join virtual forums and finally carry out digital marketing campaigns through email.

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Set up your AdSense account

In the following paragraphs You will find a complete guide on how to create from scratch and configure your to receive payments that you generate with the advertising that inserts Google on your website or channel Youtube.

Let’s see next:

  • enter to google.es/adsense/.
  • click on the button “Register now”.
  • A new tab opens in which the registration process begins.
  • You must place your website and email address.
  • In the The lower part asks if you want to receive information related to AdSense. Select an option and check “Save and continue.”
  • in the new window confirm that the information is correct and then fill in the spaces related to the country in which you are and accept the conditions of service.
  • Now touch where it says “Create Account”.
  • An informative window shows you on the screen, then click on the option “Start”.
  • in the new form you are going to enter real data, which includes a usual payment address, since it will be there where they will send you a PIN with which you must verify the account.
  • Select the type of account, the city, province, postal code and telephone number. If it is a company you have to place the name.
  • To continue with the configuration process, once you fill in the data, check the box “Send”.
  • in this tab it asks you to enter the phone number to verify itone of the options is by text message.
  • Choose “Send verification code”.
  • Once you receive the code, enter it in the corresponding box and click on “Prove Ownership”.
  • In a You will receive confirmation within approximately 24 hours that the account has been activated.
  • If is not approved, it will tell you the reasons and most of the time it gives the option to make the respective changes.

How to earn money in AdSense without having a website?

It may happen that at the time of creating the account in AdSense you had a website, but for various reasons now you do not have it. Nevertheless, maybe you save your full registration and the code you used to register in the program Google.

Here you will see a trick that you can use if you want to generate money with this method of advertising. One of the options is use the site wiggleme.net. There it is possible to place AdSense advertising in the articles you send. It has two boxes in which the respective code is added and thus receive the benefits of Google.

The way to do it is as detailed below:

  • Login to your AdSense account and copy the publisher ID found in the setup menu.
  • In the account you just created in Meneame, you look for your personal profile and copy the ID.
  • Select the type of ad and you are ready to receive income every time your submitted article has views.
  • what follows is add Meneame to the list of own sites.
  • For it, enter AdSense and look on the left side the menu with the sites authorized by the account owner.
  • select function “Manage”.
  • In the cogwheel select “Setting” and it shows “Site Administration”.
  • In this portal, add the site Meneame.
  • To earn good income, You must write various texts and that these are of the best quality.
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Best alternatives to Adsense to monetize your traffic

Yes ok Google dominates the search engine market and with AdSense you have great possibilities of earning money, there are other networks that also offer payment in exchange for advertising on websites.

From now on you will know five alternatives that you can take into account in case you have any complications with Google:

yahoo bing

This program is a partnership between Yahoo and Bing with a more premium orientation, you can access their website ads.microsoft.com. In order to participate, an invitation must be requested, after which an evaluation is made around various quality criteria, taking into account the amount of traffic received and that there is a good presence in the English public.

These demands are accompanied by a portfolio of first-class advertisers, with the option of choosing the dimensions that the advertisement will have so as not to harm the aesthetics of the site. It is mainly aimed at consolidated projects of a respectable size. The minimum income to withdraw profits is €100.


Nearly 350,000 publishers are part of this program in which prestigious advertisers come to life. The creators claim to have an optimization system to capture the audience at the right moments. One of the advantages is that it is compatible with AdSense as long as the conditions established at the time of joining are met.

For who have , Chitika puts at your disposal a plugin that allows easy integration, fast and simple. Part of the ad formats that it includes are banners or sliding sliders. The upon reaching the minimum fee of 10 euros.


This is another of the popular platforms among publishers and uses an ad style that goes beyond banners, giving way to text labels,

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