13 characteristics necessary to be a successful entrepreneur, according to Carlos Blanco

More and more people are beginning to pursue their dreams and seek to become entrepreneurs: generate their own work and fight to see what they have been passionate about become a reality. But as romantic as it sounds, reality can be much harsheras Being a successful entrepreneur isn’t just about having a good idea.

13 keys to being a successful entrepreneur

Although to be a successful entrepreneur you need a good business plan and of course the necessary financing to start and continue with your project, there are other more personal characteristics that you will require to face the adventure of undertaking.

Today we want to share with you 13 characteristics that you should meet to be a successful entrepreneur based on an article by Charles Whitefounder of and , and investor in some of the most prestigious Spanish startups, such as or Housfy, recently published in . Let’s go there.

1 .Financial situation

No company gets rich overnight.

If your spending level is lower, you have a sum of money saved or you have financial support from a partner, family or friends, you will have fewer worries in the long process of undertaking compared to those who do not make it to the end of the month.

2. Self-esteem

You will be the boss, and if you are the boss you will have to transmit confidence and leadership to your team they need to co-create a business. The basis of high self-esteem is self-confidence, and she bears the responsibility with which you will know how to face problems and you will be able to find solutions.

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3 .Passion

It will be useless for you to start a project with the best idea in the world and that no one else has thought of it if you do not have passion. Passion moves you to love your projectto seek creative and innovative solutions: if you are passionate about your project, it is easier to achieve success.

But beware! as excessive passion can lead you to lose objectivity and you must always have your feet on the ground to see the shortcomings of your business and know how to improve it.

4 .Commitment

When you are committed to your business, you will give your all. Commitment will help you follow the plan you have set for yourselfto follow it and fully comply with both your company and your team.

5 .Perseverance

Perseverance is a capacity that allows you to have perseverance to achieve the objectives set. You should not give up as there will be many obstacles, and sometimes you will have to rethink your entire strategy.

With perseverance you will not lose heart or abandon the ship when it has just set sail and you will know how to overcome failures and accept the successes as another starting point.

6. Leadership

Being a leader is something we all dream of, but you also have to know what it entails. You must be able to motivate your team but also your potential partners, investors, collaborators and clients.

a successful entrepreneur will be able to convince those around them to take the riskthat they follow their dream and that they accompany them in their achievements.

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7. Be risky

You should not fear uncertainty. Although nothing is written for good, neither is it for bad and you will have to act even if there is some danger of losing. you should be able to look for new challenges and be willing to work hard to overcome them.

8. Good communicator

Being a leader, you must be a good communicator, and with it you will gain respect, you will make people trust you as well as being able to solve problems more efficiently. You must be able to express your emotions without allowing them to control you.


This is one of the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur since the best way to bring people closer to your project is to say what your company can do and then do it.

You must not only be honest with your customers, with your employees or with your partners and suppliers, but with yourself, and never set goals or deadlines that you are not capable of achieving.

10 .Positive

Believing in yourself is the first step to achieving a better version of yourself and putting it at the service of your project. If you are not positive and believe in yourself, much less others. Although circumstances will not always be in your favor, You must remain with a positive attitude and work for it.

11 .Generous

Generous people always include others, seek to connect, they not only put their interests in the way but also promote ideas for the benefit of all. Remember that the one who gives first will benefit later, in addition to setting the example with his actions.

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12 .Creative

Not only will your creativity be needed to start with an innovative project, but to keep it afloat. You will need that creativity to reach your target audience, to create other product lines, to find the best profiles for the jobs you require… and that will make you a successful entrepreneur.

13. Ambitious

Do not confuse, since greed is the desire to have to have and above whoever. Being ambitious will help you achieve tangible resultsto get more, to boost your business and not just generate more profit for yourself but to make it flourish and thereby also help more people to obtain work and satisfaction.


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