1905. Questions and Summer Telegram – .com

Today we answer questions (and declarations of marriage) about WhatsApp and Telegram groups, town e-commerces, and massage reservations.

But first, let’s remember that we are entering the final stretch of , in which today we will see how to leave the Breakthrough Pro and Navigation Pro child themes as the demo. Go for them!

And now yes, let’s go for the questions, the protagonists of the day and the summer edition of the podcast:

1. Hello Joan, to the team and to all the listeners!!! Today I send you an email to see if you can solve a doubt. We have a hiking group, and we have a WhatsApp group in which we keep in touch during the excursions, for emergencies and to meet everyone at the starting point. In principle very well, but now I have two small problems. The first is that it is sometimes used during the rest of the days for things that don’t come to the story. From spam from one of the members, to memes or so. And although we have certain rules, it would be very violent to kick someone out. The second is that we have already exceeded the limit of chat users, and no more can enter. What can we do? I have thought about using Telegram, which has no group limits, but not everyone has that app. Any advice? (Albert)

2. Very good Joan! First of all, thanks for the podcast and the courses, as you usually say, they are great. And I hug the support ninjas too. And it is precisely with the courses that I have set up an eCommerce for the family business. It is a grocery store, a small supermarket, in fact, in a town, we are 7,000 inhabitants. The idea is that you buy, and we will serve it to you during the same day (for which we have a gap), at the latest, after closing. During the pandemic it worked great, because with the confinement all the orders were made online, but now that we are no longer confined, it sells very little. What could we do to enhance it? Thank you in advance (Peter)

3. Hello Joan! First of all, I ask myself that if one day you get divorced, I want to marry you. She doesn’t care if you already have 3 children, I’ll keep them too, they’re cute XD Now seriously (the other thing too), I have a physiotherapy clinic, I’m a physiotherapist, and a massage therapist (yes, yes, I do massages, you had a masseur wife, can you imagine? XD) The fact is that I have a reservation system that I have made with the WooCommerce course, and it works great. But I would like to be able to add the reminder option the day before, to prevent someone from inadvertently not showing up. Right now I’m doing it manually, but I’d be interested in making it automatic. Is there any way? (Clear)

And here are today’s questions and marriage proposals! As always, you have the answers in the episode. I hope they have been of interest and helpful to both those who have asked and those who have listened.

See also  Filmora Course #7. Effects and elements - .com

I also recommend you expand what has been said with the course , which Clara comments in her question, as well as the , in which we see how to automate these processes.

As always, thank you all so much for your five-star ratings on , on , and , subscribing to and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply… It would not be!

Gentlemen, here is the program! It’s Friday, so you already know what it’s about: Rest, relax and recharge your batteries, because we return on Monday with more and better: Your questions, the protagonists of the day. Until then… Very good weekend!

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