30 day challenge: Create a digital product in just 1 month

We know that many people want to undertake and work with their passions. After all, who has never wanted to do something they really like?

Surely, you yourself have already imagined, at least once, how good it would be to be able to have your own business, not only to do something more pleasant, but also to have more freedom – choose your hours, define your own rules and work wherever you want. .

In addition, it is very likely that you have some talent or knowledge that you can share with other people to help them and, in the process, turn everything you know into a business.

However, it is very common that all these dreams are just dreams, that is, they do not come true. But do not worry! As Gloria Steinmen once said: “dreaming, after all, is a form of planning”.

If you already have the desire to develop a product, but don’t even know where to start, you’ll love our challenge: create a product and have it ready for sale in just 30 days.

Putting it that way, it may seem like a difficult thing to do, or even a very expensive thing to do. But actually, it’s the opposite! We explain it: Ana, who is going to help you in this challenge, already managed to create her product in 1 month and recorded the whole step by step to help you. She didn’t need to spend any money to do it, and you won’t have to spend any money either, anywhere in the process.

Did you get a huge curiosity to know more? Then she continues reading this text: we are going to explain absolutely everything you need to know to start the challenge!

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What is the 30 Day Challenge?

is the . To help those who are taking their first steps in this market, we created a and a full of tips and success stories, with the aim of inspiring people who want to have their own business.

Over time, we began to realize that the same question always came to us: “How to create my first digital product?” When talking to different people interested in the digital market, we realized that many of them had great difficulty in taking the first step and starting their own business.

We noticed that many thought that creating a digital product would be something that would require a lot of time, effort and money. And, when we told them that it was not so, a large part of them did not believe us. So we had a fantastic idea: challenge them to create their product in just 30 days.

Now, we invite you to also participate in this challenge. Don’t worry: you won’t be alone! Ana, who managed to meet the challenge and create her product in just 1 month, recorded all the steps that she followed and will help you week by week. She will show you everything she did, she will give you ideas so you can do your job, she will explain the tasks you have to perform and she will clear up all the doubts you have.

How does the 30 Day Challenge work?

To take part in the 30 Day Challenge, you must create a free account . By registering, you will be able to use the platform for 30 days (enough time to complete the challenge), without having to pay anything.

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By participating, you will have access to 16 video lessons and downloadable materials, as well as participate in forum discussions with other entrepreneurs.

In each lesson, Ana will show you, in detail, everything she did to create her product, with a complete step-by-step and practical examples. At the end of each class, you will have 2 days to do an assignment, which will allow you to create your product in an organized and stress-free way.

How much does the 30 Day Challenge cost?

We have already said it, but we are going to repeat it to leave no room for doubt: the 30 Day Challenge is 100% free. 🙂

You don’t have to pay anything to register! Also, we will not ask you to do any activity that requires investments or any kind of cost, ok?

offers all the material for free because it understands that the more people learn to create and sell digital products, the more online entrepreneurs will be able to live from their passions.

What kind of product can you create with the 30 Day Challenge?

With our lessons, we will give you all the support you need to create an online course or an ebook. The digital product you will create will obviously depend on your .

If you are a very good guitarist, for example, you can teach people to play that instrument in an online course. If you are a very organized and neat person, you can write an ebook teaching tips to keep the cabinets in the house always tidy.

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The possibilities are endless! look at some examples:

Online courses

  • How to grow exotic flowers?
  • Lose the fear of speaking in public.
  • How to learn a new language?


  • Professional makeup course.
  • 80 vegan recipes.
  • How to go around the world without being rich?

Why can’t you miss the 30 Day Challenge?

If you are still not convinced, we show you the 5 main reasons why you cannot miss the 30 Day Challenge:

  1. Because is the leading company in the sale and distribution of digital products throughout Latin America and markets products in 166 countries. In other words, you will have the opportunity to learn from someone who really understands the market, with years and years of experience.
  2. Because the challenge is 100% free and you do not have to pay anything at any time during the course.
  3. Because the lessons are fun, dynamic and simple!
  4. Because you can meet the challenge in your time and at your own pace, without complications and without stress.
  5. Because, when you finish, you will be much closer to fulfilling a great dream: having your own digital business.

The Challenge was organized with great care and we hope to see you soon!

See you soon! 😉

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