4 marketing lessons taught by Amazon’s strategy – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Have you ever shopped on Amazon.com? How was the experience?

What you have experienced has a main architect: the CEO of Amazon.com and principal custodian of the company and its advances. His personal history is very interesting and. His initiatives inspire hundreds of entrepreneurs, because He is one of the managers who has taken the .

Today we take another look at Jeff Bezos and Amazon’s strategy and hope you find his insights helpful.

1. First things first: listen, understand and take the customer into account

At Amazon each year managers spend time training on the call center. must answer questions directly and customer complaints. In this way, they do not lose sight of who they work for. Listening, understanding and serving are the basic principles in which they are trained and the idea for this initiative falls on Bezos.

To such an extent is Amazon focused on customers, that its range Kindle was born as a compilation of user preferences and not engineers.

2. The empty chair in Amazon’s strategy

The empty chair practice may seem like an extreme departure from the customer-centric philosophy. But, Bezos is obsessed with users. To the point that in meetings brought in an empty chair and he argued that the most important person in the meeting sat in this: the client. This invisible figure had an extraordinary weight in the decisions made about Amazon’s strategy.

3. The rush to grow is not always healthy

In the startup model, what prevails is that in a short time unprofitable processes are put into practice and discarded. It is normal for any company to engage in a race to increase its profits. Nevertheless, Amazon had notable losses the first six yearsand even then the profit margin was not high.

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Bezos’s vision for Amazon’s strategy was to keep prices low to increase word of mouth and attract more customers. And then reinvest every penny earned in stocks. In this sense, the company does not mind sacrificing immediate benefits for better results in the future.

They survived the .com crisis and today they are a reference in the field of B2C eCommerce.

4. Exploit the things that won’t change

Jeff Bezos wonders what will not change in the next ten years. On these answers it bases Amazon’s strategy. According to his point of view, in ten years users will still be interested in low prices, fast deliveries, and personalization of the shopping experience; It is in these aspects that the company invests.

Bezos advises entrepreneurs to Analyze in your sector what is immovable in a decade and that at the same time valued by customers.

Have you learned anything else by observing Amazon’s strategy?

Thanks in advance for sharing what you think.


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