7 creative content ideas to sell much more

Social networks are channels with a lot of potential to generate sales, but you have to know how to use them! we share you 7 original content ideas to boost your business. Learn what other brands are doing in their networks to increase their conversion rate!

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Why think of content ideas to sell?

It is essential to generate content that helps you show your products and communicates everything behind your brand. Users —and your potential customers— are looking for more than “just products” when they browse the platforms.

If you have knowledge of graphic design, don’t worry! There are tons of tools on the internet to work with, for example, which are pre-made designs that you can edit to fit your brand and goals. For our part, we designed these banners for you to take advantage of on your networks, download them for free!

Today we want to share with you 7 creative content ideas other businesses are using to increase sales. This is a great strategy that allows you to understand and attract more visitors to your store. I hope they inspire you!

Idea #1 – Tutorials with ideas on how to use your products

One of the best ways to show your products, without being all the time selling, is with videos or photos where you give ideas or show how to use them. Showing is always more powerful than telling.and tutorials are a great way to put that into practice.

The girls at are a great example of how to create this type of content to inspire their potential customers with thousands of ideas to use the scarves they sell in their store.

They do it both with and in their photos, where they show different ideas of use.

In this way, they not only talk about their products, but inspire with ideas of how to use them.

This is much more attractive than a direct message, it builds and strengthens the link between the community that follows you and your brand and, as if that were not enough, increases the chances that someone will want to buybecause you inspire him with a form of use or idea that perhaps had not even occurred to him.

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Idea #2 – Answer frequently asked questions in an original way

Continuing with content ideas to create with your brand, one more is answer your customers’ frequently asked questions in a more creative way than with the typical question and answer page. What if you make a more original video or tutorial?

In this way, You take advantage of the questions that they always ask you to create content and you also improve the shopping experience of any future client who has the same question before taking the last step.

The girls from , for example, created a story on Instagram with the step by step to install your organizational panels. It was probably a common doubt that many people had before buying, so they directly turned it into a story for everyone to see.

Or the girls who created different sections within their store answering the most frequently asked questions of how to choose the size of the ring, how to place the openers or how to clean the accessories.

Idea #3 – Share the why and the story behind your products

Another very powerful way to create content for your brand is by telling the why or the story behind your products.

There is always a story. For some reason you started the business you started and chose the products you chose. Sharing that is a great way so that your potential customers connect much more emotionally with your brand. Thus, it is not just about sales or that they choose you solely based on price, but that they see that there is much more.

For example, it is a brand of backpacks made with reused paragliders. It is not “just another backpack”. There is a story behind each productrelated to the use of sustainable materials and where was that fabric before it became a backpack.

They are in charge of showing and sharing all this so that their potential clients on the other side find out and see the soul and history behind their products.

Idea #4 – Creative alliances to show your products in use

Create alliances with other people, so that it is not always you who is showing your productsis also one of the most attractive content ideas.

The girls at recently did this in a super original way. They know that their organizational panels are a great product, for example, for creative entrepreneurs, who have to have their work items at hand and in order.

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So they called 15 entrepreneurs to do a photo session (organized by them!), where they were asked to bring their favorite work items. In this way, they created incredible photos of their panels showing the variety of forms and areas in which they can be used.

In addition to this, each of these 15 entrepreneurs shared the photos on their own networks, with which, boosted the number of people they reached with their brand.

This is a very original collaboration because, as we can see, alliances do not always have to be with thousands or millions of followers or paying a fortune for a mention.

Many times it is preferable to do it with people with fewer followers but much more interaction with your audience and reach a 100% online audience with whom you are interested in contacting. Also, by adding 15 entrepreneurs at the same time, the multiplier effect of having them all showing their panels, was great!

Idea #5 – Your own clients to show your products in use

Similar to the previous point, a good alternative is take advantage of the publications of your own clients to show your products in use.

what better than the people who already choose you and like what you offer to exhibit it and help more people to know you?

is a great example of this. She is a clothing designer and every month she organizes an afternoon tea. In these meetings, invites her main clients to try on clothes, spend an afternoon with her and take photos.

It’s a great way to stay in touch and learn more about your audience, in addition to giving exclusive and preferential treatment to its most loyal clients. And of course a very original way of have lots of photos of your garments in use in different models!

Let’s keep getting to know original content ideas for entrepreneurial networks, there is still much more to come!

Idea #6 – Content educating about the benefits of your products

These publications will depend on the type of product you sell. Not all products solve a specific problem or have a concrete benefit that can be talked about, but if your product is within this category, you will love this idea and it will be very useful.

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For example, it is a brand of educational toys and its creator is a child psychologist. She uses all her experience and knowledge to talk about the benefits of its products in the development of children.

He doesn’t spend his time talking only about his products, but he talks about the greatest benefit that parents are looking for when buying this type of toys.

Attract your potential customers sharing tips and useful information, helping them to encourage the game and development of their children.

Idea #7 – Creative photos to show your products in different uses

Last but not least, a key piece of content to attract potential customers to your brand is your photos.

The issue is that, on a daily basis, we come across so many, many images that, to draw attention and attract, you have to use creativity and try not to show your products the same way to everyone.

Think that your potential clients see thousands of photos per day on their social networks, so, to capture their attention in a few seconds, your photos have to have something different from the rest.

We know that it is easier said than done, but today it is hardly an option not to have quality photos in the 100% visual world in which we live. At least, of your main products.

They do not necessarily have to be with a professional production, but they do thoughtful and quality. Because it is the first filter that will make someone interested in seeing and learning more about your brand.

The guys at are a great example: they focused their entire store on a single type of product and create original and attractive photos to show it in different usage situations.

¡Hopefully these examples of creative content ideas will inspire you to think of new opportunities for your brand!

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