The perfect website (for SEO) – .com

Every time a web project passes through the hands of an SEO, it goes through the optimization treatment On-Pagethat is, improve the content, meta content and structure of each page, so that Google is very clear “what is” that website. The problem is that there is no “universal and standardized” solution. Each project is a world, and it must be constantly polished.

However, there are certain factors and best-practices that (Today) They are applicable to any project that comes our way. Or at least that is what I have been able to verify with my experience, and that of professional colleagues. So let’s see that perfect website (for SEO).

We are going to divide this article into three parts. The first, what would be the URL of the page, then the HEAD, and finally the BODY, that is, the content itself.

Optimize the URL

1. Length

It seems that short URLs perform better, not only in search engines, but also in users’ memory, and are more susceptible to copy/paste.

2. Keyword

It goes without saying that URLs must incorporate keywords, whether they are 100% friendly or only partially. And the closer the keyword is to the domain, the better.

3. Dashes

All words must be hyphen-separated. No_underscores, NotAllTogether. Best for folders, subfolders, and pages, are hyphens.

Optimize the HEAD

1. TITLE tag

The most important element of the entire page, without a doubt. Not only is it the tag that Google gives the most weight to, but it’s also what users will see on the results page, along with the DESCRIPTION.

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Contrary to what many people think, the description meta tag is not used to position or increase in the ranking. Or at least, most search engines do not take it into account. That’s because it’s not a “tag”, but a “meta tag”. The difference is that the first ones are “visible” to users, while the other ones are only seen in the source code. In general, Google does not trust what “the user cannot see”. And the description or is an exception.

However, the description is the snippet that appears below the title on the results page. And in the case that it matches the user’s search, the matching words are shown in bold, making the result more visible to the user. And that is if it can make us increase our CTR, which means more visits.

3. Meta KEYWORDS Tag

It no longer serves any purpose. It is neither used nor considered. It’s already gone down in history, with so many other meta tags. Less is more. Less code, faster. It is not worth putting it, better spend that precious time on other things. Maybe make a latte.

4. Meta Tag ROBOTS

Well, just tell the search engine if it should index the page, and if it should follow the links on it. I explain it more specifically in the article.


This is already more complicated, but for brevity, we will say that this tag is used so that Google does not see duplicate content on a website. That happens when you can access the same “texts” from different “URLs”. For example, sometimes you can read the same post on the post page itself, or in the blog’s monthly archives. Same content, different URLs = poop. One day I will write a more detailed article. At the moment,

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Optimize the BODY

1. Keywords

How many times should a keyword appear on the page? That’s one of those topics that everyone has a different answer to, and there are proponents of many theories. But according to the people at , whom I trust a lot, and according to my experience, 2 to 3 times on pages with little content, and 4 to 6 times for medium pages. What it can bring us to force more keywords is insignificant. It is also considered important that it appears for the first time within the first 100 characters (this is a bit of an urban legend).

2. Keyword Variations

Currently webmastertools already groups words by variations, that is, we can affirm that it does take them into account. It won’t be a definitive and extraordinary strategy, but it makes sense that these variations exist within a logical context.

3. Headers (h1, h2, h3, etc.)

The truth is that like many other variables, this one has diminished its importance, since many clever people used the H1 with CSS styles to mix it with the normal text, or even hide it. So in reality the importance of these labels has diminished a lot. However, it is worth using them to have the content of a page well structured.

4. Images

There are a couple of points to keep in mind. The ALT attribute (text that appears when the image does not load), and the name of the image. It is proven that the two have a lot of importance and correlation between their names and positioning.

5. Bold/italic

Another one of those points that all SEOs insist on promoting so much, that in reality it is not very useful. I prefer to use those tags to get the reader’s attention, which is basically their usefulness. I see it as a waste of time to put it in bold every time a keyword appears. Better dedicate-se to cleaning the keyboard.

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Well, in principle that’s all… to begin with! We must remember that this only refers to aspects related to optimizing the content, but now we must take into account technical aspects, such as being very good, and obviously… good content!

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