Facebook Ads Course #2. The Facebook pixel – .com

In the second lesson of the Facebook Ads course we will talk about the Facebook pixel. What is it, what is it for and how is it installed?

The Facebook pixel: basic theory

I am sure that in all probability you have heard of the Facebook Pixel. And, possibly, you have some doubt about what it is and how it works. It is the diamond of Facebook Ads. Everything, absolutely everything, revolves around the Facebook Ads pixel. So pay attention, because this class interests you!

The Facebook pixel is a pixel. Literal.

Said like this, there is not much mystery, but in reality, translated into a programming language, the pixel is a piece of code that we install on our website and, from the first moment, it begins to track all the actions that visitors carry out on it.

But, specifically, what information does it collect? And, more importantly: what can we do with that information? Let’s start!

Isn’t it amazing? Do you see now why it is so important? That’s it. The magic does not lie in gathering information, but in the ability we have to use that information to our advantage, showing the ads only to the people we are interested in.

think well A person adds a product to the cart of our store but does not buy. Everything could stay here. But Facebook tells us: “hey! this person has a facebook profile and i found it. Aren’t you interested in showing him an ad?” Take a hard look at what this means for any business in the world!

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Voucher. We’ve gotten really excited and now we want to install the Facebook pixel, right? Well go for it!

2.1 – Installing the Facebook pixel manually

We can do it in different ways: from an integration with a partner, manually or through a plugin.

Let’s see how to install the Facebook pixel manually in the Genesis Framework.

Doesn’t seem complicated, does it? The truth is that with Genesis the manual installation process is simple and agile

Remember to use the Chrome extension:

Facebook Pixel Helper.

2.2. Configuration and installation of conversions

Installing the Facebook pixel is the first thing to do. But if we really want to have full control of the information we can collect, it is necessary to configure Facebook conversions. Which, basically, are milestones or actions that are met within our website. eye! A conversion is not just a purchase. A conversion is any goal that a user has met on our website.

Setting up the add to cart conversion, for example, would allow us to know how many people add products to the cart and create specific promotions or ads for these people.

Interesting huh? Let’s see how to do it!

Not a difficult code is it? In addition, Facebook has already standardized objectives so that we do not have to complicate ourselves more than necessary.

But what happens if we want to track a conversion that is something special and is not on Facebook by default? Couldn’t it be configured? Of course yes! Don’t miss the video below 🙂

23. Configuring custom conversions

On those occasions that we want to collect information from a different conversion than the ones that Facebook shows us, we must go to the personalized conversions and create them ourselves. But do not spread panic! Take a look at the video so you can see that it’s nothing to be scared of 🙂

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Yes? Do we breathe? That’s it! Nothing we can’t do, right? Well, up to here we would have how to configure the Pixel code base and the conversions manually, but if you prefer to do all of the above with a plugin and forget about the code, you are in luck because it is also possible!

2.4. Installation and configuration of the Facebook pixel with plugin.

If we do not want to touch any code, we can always resort to the fantastic world of WordPress plugins.

Next, I will show you how to install and configure the Facebook pixel with the Pixel Cat plugin. It works great and to start with, the free version is more than enough. Let’s go!

Easy right? Cool! Well, you know what it is: install the Facebook pixel and create those conversions that most adhere to your business.

And this is all for the second lesson! If you have any questions or queries regarding this Pixel, I am one click away from you. You only have to use the intranet support form. See you in the next class! 🙂

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