SEO course on YouTube #8. Cards, final screens and shorts – .com

In the eighth lesson of the YouTube SEO course, we are going to learn about the last remaining elements of optimization: cards, final screens, and shorts.

We will also see the elements that we must take into account in order to optimize them to retain the user. And finally we have seen the new functionality that YouTube has recently launched: Youtube Shorts!

In this way we will leave seen all the review of the functionalities that we can work to position our videos correctly on YouTube. Go for it!

Interesting this last class of optimizations, isn’t it? As we’ve seen, cards are very effective when paired with scripted calls-to-action or relevant to the video content.

For example, if you mention a video or product, the ideal is to add a card at that precise moment. They are very useful because they allow the viewer to click if they want to, and if they don’t, they simply disappear.

On the other hand, with the final screens you can promote a maximum of four elements in the last 20 seconds of your videos. They serve to direct viewers to other YouTube videos, playlists or channels; to invite them to subscribe to your channel; and to promote your websites, merchandising products and crowdfunding campaigns.

YouTube Shorts allows users to connect with new audiences with just a smartphone and the feature-specific camera in the YouTube app. It really is a content format that we are already seeing on other social networks such as TikTok or Instagram, and now YouTube has decided to bet on it, and it seems that it is going to stay for a long time. Currently there is little information about this new format, but in this class we have known all its details and also some tricks with which to get the most out of it.

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And as always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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