Social media course #1. Introduction and basic data – .com

In the first class of the social networking course we see the basic concepts that we have to learn to master and data on the use of RRSS in Spain.

I start by asking for forgiveness, and I know that this is always a mistake. But I understand that we have to start with some theoretical keys to later be able to develop our network strategy.

Possibly many of you will master these definitions and they will be part of your day to day by now, but others will never have heard them, so we are going to spend a few minutes explaining the most basic definitions of “Social Media”.

Very simple concepts, right? We have to be very clear about these definitions in order to know the results of our social networks. It is useless to execute a plan, without having the ability to measure it with data.

And we are going to talk about data now. In this video we will get to know the association that represents the advertising and digital communication sector in Spain, the IAB.

As you can see, social networks are a channel full of opportunities to make ourselves known. And not just any channel, but a currently massive one. But yes, we must be clear about which networks are the most appropriate, since the use by networks can change a lot depending on each case.

I hope you have found it interesting and that the concepts discussed have stuck with you. Since from the next class we will get fully into our social media strategy.

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As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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