End of Income 2018: The Treasury has returned 7,487 million to more than 11.3 million taxpayers after the closing of the campaign

The Tax Agency has already returned 7,487 million euros to 11.35 million taxpayers after concluding the 2018 Income campaign, so that, at this time, 78.6% of the refunds requested and 69.1% of the amounts have already been paid, as reported by the agency in a note.

These figures mean that the amount returned grows by 0.5% and the number of returns by 6.2%. The AEAT has received a total of 20.6 million Income Tax declarations, 863,000 more than in the previous campaign on equal dates.

Returns requesting a refund have totaled almost 14.45 million, 70% of the total, and the strong increase registered in returns to be entered stands out, which increased by 5.5% in number and more than 18% in amount.

The Treasury explains that this evolution is mainly due to the strong increase registered in capital gains, and also to the fact that in previous years returns filed on time continued to be counted in the days and weeks following the end of the campaign -especially in the case of pre-declarations with results to be entered-, while this year at the closing date they are all already registered.

Declarations via ‘app’ grow by 45.5%

The main feature of the already concluded campaign was the consolidation of the two alternative non-face-to-face submission methods to the Agency’s website, such as the mobile application and the ‘We call you’ plan for making statements by telephone, to which that a new impetus has been given.

As for the mobile application, more than 289,800 declarations have been submitted through this channel, 45.5% more than in the previous campaign. Of this total, more than 221,000 are ‘one-click’ filings and the rest correspond to cases of taxpayers who have been referred by the application to the AEAT website to make some modification and have returned to the ‘app’ to finish the presentation.

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At the same time, the declarations that have been made by telephone by the Tax Agency have also increased, since through the ‘We call you’ plan, more than 239,600 declarations have been presented by telephone, 33.3% more than last year.

Same face-to-face attention

However, the traditional face-to-face service in offices has been maintained, presenting just over 2.1 million returns on Income platforms, a figure very similar to that of last year.

Again this year, taxpayers have been able to prepare in advance by counting two weeks before the start of the campaign with basic elements of assistance, such as downloading tax data and obtaining the reference number.

Thus, by the time the office assistance began, on May 14, 574,000 more taxpayers had already filed their return than last year on the same dates.

Of this increase, almost 236,000 are taxpayers who last year had waited to receive assistance in the offices and, nevertheless, in this campaign they have taken advantage of the different ways of remote help to speed up the process and, where appropriate, the refund, avoiding trips to face-to-face assistance platforms.

securities portfolio

The now-concluded campaign has also included the incorporation of the securities portfolio in Renta Web, which has been accessed by almost 270,000 taxpayers and allows a direct visualization of the composition of the portfolio as of January 1 of the tax accrual year (for this campaign , 2018) and the operations of the year, as well as overturning all the income generated by the sale of listed shares, facilitating the declaration of capital gains and losses.

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In turn, the data that the taxpayer has had to continue incorporating, specifically the historical acquisition prices of their shares, will allow this information to be recorded in the coming years and the calculation of capital gains and losses to be practically automatic in the future.

Equity: 1,115 million to enter

Parallel to the Income Campaign, the Wealth Tax campaign has been developed, which had to be declared by those taxpayers with a quota to enter (after applying the corresponding deductions and bonuses), and also those with a quota to enter that last year had with assets and rights with a value greater than 2 million euros.

In total, more than 205,000 declarations of Assets have been registered and the amount to be deposited reaches 1,115 million euros.

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