How Barilliance works, one of the most used eCommerce personalization tools – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

The online purchase it is generally convenient and seldom extraordinary. Users are increasingly demanding with eCommerce and we only return if they make us feel special. . Tools like Barilliance allow even those who don’t shopaholics penny holders and inveterate savers get excited about the pleasure of shopping online.

What is Barilliance?

Barilliance is that it was born in 2009 in Israel. It is made up of several applications that collect information from users in online stores. They obtain data about their location/city, the searches they have carried out, through which page they entered your store, the products they have seen, their visit history, etc. From that information Barilliance configures a specific shopping experience for each user.

How Barilliance works

Barilliance configures specific offers and shows specific products of interest to the user. This attention to detail makes them buy faster, they don’t waste time on useless searches. One of its most attractive features is that it continuously performs effectiveness trials of certain messages in a group of users. Those messages that generate a positive response in terms of conversion are the ones that are then used for the rest. Basically, what we could call a A/B testing.

Barilliance also manages email templates that are sent only after certain user actions.. And they are also optimized for mobile devices. Thus, users who have not visited us for a long time, users who abandon the purchase process, users who wait for the stock of a product to be renewed, users who have a birthday, everyone receives eMails with specific messages that encourage them to return to eCommerce. And once there, different content is shown to each audience segment.

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Advantages of using Barilliance as an eCommerce personalization tool

Barilliance’s communication is segmented by types of audiences. It is dynamic and in real time based on the understanding of the preferences and needs of each visitor. It facilitates with a high level of precision.

It is not necessary to be an expert in programming, to install it in an eCommerce. Just copy and paste a JavaScript code. It is perhaps its ease of use and friendly interface that has spread it relatively quickly in 26 countries (available in 12 languages). Barilliance is currently used by Fnac Spain, El Corte Ingles, LG Spain and other little known brands. No matter the size of the eCommerce, it is always profitable with a medium product catalog.

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