Google Image Search Shows Youtube Videos

The next time you search for an image from your mobile device, don’t be surprised if you find a curious surprise in the results. Some users can already see snippets of YouTube videos playing at the top of Google image search results.

This detail has been recently discovered by . These videos won’t have the sound turned on, so at least you won’t be scared when trying to get the images on Google and having them sound suddenly. Of course, they cannot be hidden either and will continue to play repeatedly in a loop.

Videos in Google image searches are on trial

In the end, these changes could be applied or not, or simply they can be a test for some new type of advertising format that the company has sought to integrate it into Google image search. From what is reported, when clicking on one of the videos, the browser will take you directly to YouTube where you can fully appreciate the video.

At the moment, the experiment seems to be limited to fashion-related inquiriesWhat “winter outfits” Y “jackets for men“, for instance. These searches match videos from YouTube channels like New looka British fashion retailer with a chain of stores that with clothes for men, women and teenagers.

the king of seekers does not leave a single space on your platform where you can take advantage of to integrate new ads. Surely Google will analyze the response of users before this new way of presenting video ads, which may not be optimal since it could consume a large amount of data on the mobile.

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The commitment to video content on the platforms continues

The commitment of video as an ad format has been clear in Google. According to the study where Google analyzes the progress of advertising in video format, it highlights that advertisers have quickly embraced programmatic videos since they allow them to reach the right audience, monetizing their content better and more easily on different devices.

In addition, YouTube, Google’s video social network, compared to television in 77% of cases, showing a much higher return on investment in advertising in this medium.

By mixing the advertising displayed in your browser with advertising from YouTube, perhaps it will be able to create a new format that is much more profitable and attractive to advertisers. Google has much more time and experience in the field of online advertising market and always It has stood out for innovation and constant renewal in its advertising formats.

So we would not be surprised if soon these new YouTube ads will be shown to the entire public in Google image searches.

What do you think of this new inclusion?


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