20 motivational speeches to inspire you

If you are looking for motivational speeches, the internet is a good place to find them! There are thousands of motivational talks presented by , activists, celebrities and various other people who have lived through difficult situations.

Facing these life lessons can help you better understand your weaknesses and potentials, which is essential when it comes to charting the right path for your personal development.

Who doesn’t need a healthy dose of daily motivation?

If you are starting now, this motivational push is even more necessary, as it can help you not to give up at the first obstacles.

So get ready to get excited, because in today’s post, we’re listing 20 of the best motivational speeches available on video, free, and online.

Some of the videos are in English, but we have selected for you those that already have subtitles, in some of them you will have to activate them manually.

Enjoy them and live the passions!

1. Stanford Speech – Steve Jobs

This was Steve Jobs’ speech given at Stanford University in 2005. Steve Jobs, for those who don’t know him, was one of the founders and CEO of Apple, as well as CEO of the computer graphics company Pixar.

For an audience of graduates, the businessman recounted his personal and professional career amidst quite inspiring messages.

Steve Jobs emphasizes the connection of seemingly banal events in his life to his subsequent success, showing young people how everything is connected, even when we don’t notice it.

One of the many lessons that Jobs leaves us in this speech is that “(…) the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

If what you need is inspiration to take , be sure to watch this motivational conference. It’s impossible to finish the video without feeling at least a little more energized to run after your goals.

2. Why must you fight? – Anthony Robbins

This video of just over 7 minutes is one of the motivational speeches by Anthony Robbins, American writer, coach and speaker.

In a short period of time, the presenter manages to propose some important reflections to the audience in an energetic and inspiring way.

Anthony Robbins talks about the progress, focus and power we have for when we are willing to control our conditions.

3. Why do we have so few women leaders – Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg is an American businesswoman who works as the chief operating officer of Facebook.

In the conference Why we have too few women leadersfrom TED, addresses the differences in the numbers of women and men in management positions.

The statistical data, reflections and stories presented by the speaker show the challenges that still have to be faced to achieve a fair and equal society.

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Sheryl Sandberg’s speech is inspiring as well as essential for men too to reflect on what they can do to change the current discrepancy in the labor market.

4. Living beyond limits – Amy Purdy

Amy Purdy is an American actress, model, Paralympic athlete, and motivational speech presenter.

In this TED talk, she tells us about the time she was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis and had to have both of her legs amputated.

Reinforcing the power and importance of using our imaginations, Amy Purdy teaches a lesson in self-improvement by talking about how our lives are determined not by what happens to us, but by our own choices.

5. Speech at Harvard University – Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg’s speech at Harvard University in 2017 is also an excellent source of motivation.

As the co-founder of Facebook recounts some of his academic, personal, and professional experiences, he shows why it’s important to have a purpose in life and work for everyone to have it.

Zuckerberg talks a bit about the changes in work relationships and career formats, as well as about entrepreneurship and the transformations caused by the advancement of technology.

His speech reinforces, at all times, the thought that by working with an ideal, it is possible to positively impact the world in which we live.

6. Body language shapes our identity – Amy Cuddy

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist, speaker, professor, and researcher at Harvard Business School. In this TED talk, she presents information derived from her research on body language and nonverbal communication.

According to the psychologist, a few small changes in our posture can completely transform the way we are seen by others and, even more importantly, the way we position ourselves and feel in relation to ourselves.

The talk contains several suggestions for attitudes to take before situations of tension, sadness or that require confident and powerful behavior.

One of the tips for those who are going to face job interviews, for example, is to adopt a position of power in the previous 2 minutes.

As much as initially it’s just a matter of pretending, Amy Cuddy says that, over time, the body transformation will make you feel more confident in that situation and will totally change the way you position yourself.

7. Speech at Maharishi University – Jim Carrey

In this video you will see Jim Carrey’s speech as the auditorium of a graduating class in the United States.

In a fun and exciting presentation, the actor, comedian and screenwriter uses some of his personal experiences to deliver an inspirational message to graduates.

For example, Jim Carrey highlights the importance of not paying attention to fear and persisting in the pursuit of goals no matter how daring they may seem.

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8. How do you define yourself? – Lizzie Velasquez

Lizzie Velásquez is known worldwide for her motivational speeches, as well as being a writer and .

Born with a rare syndrome that, among other symptoms, prevents weight gain and body fat accumulation, the speaker recounts in this video the difficulties she faced throughout her life.

In a society with such rigid and cruel aesthetic patterns, especially with women, Lizzie Velásquez gives us one of the most inspiring and sensitive motivational speeches on acceptance and self-love.

In this speech, the writer invites us to reflect on what defines us. She also shows how she managed, with an extremely positive attitude towards life, to overcome difficulties and bullying suffered due to her appearance.

9. Harvard Speech – JK Rowling

JK Rowling, for those who have never heard of her, is an English writer and screenwriter known worldwide thanks to her series of Harry Potter books.

In this speech to the 2008 Harvard University graduates, Rowling spoke in a relaxed manner about failure, ambition, and choice, inviting graduates to use their imaginations as a source of life.

By telling the public a little about her personal and professional career, the writer showed how moments of failure contributed both to her self-knowledge and to her success.

10. Motivational Speech – Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic is an Australian who, due to a rare syndrome, was born without legs and arms.

Based on his life experience, Nick became a motivational speaker and founded the NGO Life Without Limbs (Life without limbs).

His speeches on overcoming, choices and acceptance are so inspiring that the speaker has become known worldwide. On the Internet, it is possible to find various presentations made by the speaker, who also shares his story with the public through his books.

In this presentation of Nick Vujicic at a school, he makes clear why so many people are inspired by his life story. The Australian talks about difficult issues in an extremely sympathetic, light and exciting way.

11. You owe it to yourself – Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas is an American motivational speaker and this video shows just one of his several most popular speeches on the internet.

In a presentation full of energy and motivational examples, the speaker points out the need to be willing to change and strive tirelessly to get where we want. But there are no magic formulas for this, we must start by setting clear goals and go from feeling like victims to being victorious.

12. The surprising science of motivation – Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink is an American writer and career analyst who addresses issues related to business, behavior, and success.

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In this TED talk, Daniel presents, based on scientific research, a new look at motivation.

According to the speaker, the way most companies use to motivate their employees is ineffective and outdated.

The alternative presented refers to intrinsic motivation, based on three elements: autonomy, mastery and purpose.

“The secret to high performance is not rewards and punishments, but that invisible and intrinsic desire… The desire to do things because they matter.”

13. Sweet are the fruits of adversity – Karla Souza

This Mexican actress has conquered millions of people with her personality and her performances in series like How to Get Away with Murder. She has been nominated for various national and international awards for participation in movies, series and plays.

In this motivational speech, Karla warns us that there is no recipe for success, that it is not about gifts or innate characteristics. Most of the geniuses in history have had to invest hours and hours of time and dedication to become true experts and shine in their areas.

Karla shares her journey as a Latina and Mexican woman in the world of entertainment. Her studies in London, the traumatic events she went through, how her father figure helped her and all the sacrifices she had to make to get to where she is now.

14. Attitude – Victor Kuppers

This Dutch-Spaniard lives his life helping people find their vocations and live them with joy. In a very funny and humorous way, he shares something different from the other speakers. Victor does have the formula for success.

Its formula is described as the light bulb effect and consists of three important elements: knowledge, skill and attitude.

The key is that knowledge and skill add up, but attitude multiplies. In this way: V= (C+H) x A.

15- There are two paths: either you stay or you stand up and continue! – Natalia Ponte de Leon

This Colombian brings us a lesson in perseverance like no other, after having suffered a very traumatic event that marked what she calls her rebirth, through positive thoughts and faith in oneself.

For her, one of the keys is self-love that always takes you to the riverbank where you stand up and continue with…

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