What is a Premium Community

If you already work in the digital universe, it is very possible that you are familiar with communities, virtual spaces where people who have common interests meet. For example, students in the same course or people who practice the same profession.

The truth is that they are a success and very necessary to scale any online business. For this reason, offers you the possibility of creating Premium Communities.

If the curiosity bug bit you, stay until the end of this post and discover everything they can represent for your business. But before talking about Premium Communities, we are going to share the difference between two fundamental concepts so that you can take better advantage of them.

What is the difference between followers and buyers?

Are you a digital content creator or do you want to start in this market? So, it is very likely that you have more followers on social networks than buyers, and that does not happen only to you: most creators have a hard time converting their audience into people who pay for their products.

This is one of the reasons why more and more, in the digital market, the number of followers has lost importance and various brands seek to do business with influencers who, although they have a smaller audience, have more .

And oftentimes, producers with relatively few followings are more successful in their business than the bigger niche ones.

According to the recommendations of a microinfluencer are usually followed by 82% of consumersand in addition, they get 22.2 times more conversions when recommending products.

But why does this happen? And why is the difference between followers and buyers sometimes so discrepant?

Well, to understand it, it is necessary to understand the difference between one and the other.

Followers are people who have access to your content for free. Due to this ease of viewing, it is common for us to follow people that we are not really interested in, based on suggestions from the platforms or because some of their publications have seemed interesting to us.

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I mean, followers view your content, but they do not necessarily show engagement.

If you’ve already skimmed through your feed posts or wondered how you ended up following so many people you have no idea who they are, you know what I’m talking about.

For its part, buyers are willing to pay to access your content. This may seem obvious, but it is very important, because when someone invests their money it means that trust yourself and what you produce and that he really cares what you offer.

And not only that, when we buy something, we usually make the most of it to avoid that feeling that we have thrown our money out the window.

In summary, buyers tend to show more engagement than followers.

You must be wondering what all this has to do with the Premium Communities, right? Well, don’t worry, because we’re going to explain it to you in a matter of seconds.

What are Premium Communities?

Well, everything we told you in the previous point is relevant in this post because has a product format to help you convert people who have a real interest in what you sell into buyers.

The Premium Communities They allow you to offer recurring and exclusive content to your audience and charge for access, based on subscriptions.

This product is special because you can decide what to publish, the format, the frequency, the date and even the value that they must pay.

With Premium Communities you can create less elaborate content than an ebook or an online course. Therefore, you will have the possibility to charge a lower subscription value for motivate your followers to become buyers.

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Think of Premium Communities as a gateway or showcase for everything you have to offer. Its main objective is win over a loyal and committed audience that not only visualize your content, but consume conscientiously and trust you.

When to create a Premium Community?

One of the main advantages of this product format is that It works for any stage of the business. It does not matter if you are just starting out in the digital market or if you already have dozens of products.

In case your business is just born, use the Premium Communities as a test area to create a more solid product and, consequently, retain more customers and generate more income in the future.

Remember that one of the main actions you must do when undertaking is to test what you offer to know what works best with your audience and what you need to correct in your strategy.

The more what you are selling fits the needs of your audience, the greater the chances of success.

If you already have multiple products, use the Premium Community as a place to spread the word, test hypotheses, and launch.

What type of content can I include in my Premium Community?

Premium Communities allow content in different formats such as:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • audio
  • links

And best of all, they don’t have to be very complex.

You can use those ideas that are gathering dust and make content pills related to your products or preview your next release to generate more interest.

don’t forget that the public in the community already trusts youso it is much easier to convince them to buy a second, third, fourth product…

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If you’re thinking that you don’t have time to produce content for a community, your worries end here because Premium Communities allow contributors and moderators to help you create and communicate with your customers.

And those people can be from your team or loyal customers from the community itself. You choose!

How can I create a Premium Community?

To create this product, you just have to access the platform, click on See all available formats and then in Communitydefine the parameters according to your strategy and stipulate a subscription price. All in a few clicks.

How do payments work?

That’s the best part: handles payments, subscriptions and until the arrears, automatically! And that’s not all, Premium Communities have all the benefits of the platform, such as:

  • Data and reports generated by .
  • Affiliate program with ready professionals to help you sell your Community.
  • Possibility of selling to all countries and in more than 12 coins.

As if it wasn’t enoughin the Premium Communities, as in other products, You only pay when you sell.

Create your Premium Community

Well, if you’ve come this far and assimilated everything we’ve shown you in this post about Premium Communities, you must be full of ideas and eager to try this product, right?

Well then you have everything ready to convert your followers into buyers. So do not rest on your laurels because the shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current. Click on the button below and create your Premium Community right now.

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