What is the color palette and how to use it in marketing

The color palette is the primary tool of every graphic designer. This resource is used to define the range and tones indicated to compose any image. We bring you free online generators and the meaning of each color to communicate assertively.

The color palette is a practical resource to carry out any design: from an event flyer to a signage poster.

One of the most important uses of color palettes is to access all the tones along with their gradations and nuances to find the right range.

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What is a color palette and what is it for?

The color palette or color palette is the set of colors, with all its variety of shades. It is used for the design of a graphic piece, the decoration of an environment or the creation of an artistic work.

A brand can work with matching color palettes, or with a single one created from a single shade.

This is central in it: there are studies that justify the use of certain ranges for the communication of some messages. In other words, there are varieties within which tilt our perception on one emotion or another.

For these reasons, when creating a design it is essential to be clear about the objective of this communication: what is the message I am trying to convey? For example, if my goal is, what emotion do I seek to awaken in the user to achieve it?

Another central point is to be very clear about your brand. Knowing their characteristics, interests and aspirations will help you understand and decide how to communicate with your audience.

From pastel color palettes to monochromatic, we are going to know the best online resources to create them!

Color Palette Generator: 10 Free Tools


Our will allow you to find the perfect color combination for that visual piece you are designing.

There are three ways to use this free tool, depending on the options you’ll see in the header.


Here the idea is to work with color combinations that are currently in trend. If you don’t find one that fits your idea among the first options, you can continue generating variations.


In this case, you will see color palettes based on a single main tone, and the entire range that opens from it.

use an image

Finally, if you need to extract the color palette from an existing design, this is the way to go. This is going to be especially useful if you need to follow the general aesthetic of an image or photo that you already have.

Let’s imagine that you really like a painting, a banner that you uploaded a long time ago or the decoration in a corner of your house. With this mode, you will be able to detect the color palette to identify the main tones of that image and, thus, be able to replicate it and work with the right range of colors.

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2. Adobe Color: Color Wheel

allows you to start from any tone to find various color combinations. Let’s see what can be done with the two basic functionalities of this tool.

color wheel

The Color Wheel is used to create a color palette of a certain harmony rule. Among the options available to choose from, we find:

  • analogues,
  • monochrome,
  • complementary,
  • compounds,
  • personalized.

Then, it gives us the possibility to select the color mode that best suits our needs. Here we can define between RGB, CMYK, HSB and LAB.


This functionality allows us to extract the color theme from a preloaded image. What we do is upload an image file so that the tool works based on it.

From that input, Adobe Color returns the color palette with which we are going to make sure that the tones are going to combine with each other.

Speaking of colors, we invite you to discover the history of Tano Verón!


3. Cohesive Colors

If you’re working on a design and tonal compositing isn’t working, we recommend giving it a try.

From the original range of your graphic piece, a tone is introduced and its intensity is defined. With this, the color palette generator creates a new combination that is consistent to ensure that the scheme works.

4. Pallet

If you are beginning to define your entrepreneurship, you are going to love it. This tool allows you to generate a color palette based on themes or places. Yes, you read right!

Introducing topics such as “autumn”, this resource brings us closer, for example, pastel color palettes, if this is what is being used in the indicated industry or sector.

5. ColRD

This will be the ideal ally for people who work with a. In this case, the idea is that we can identify the color palettes that are working in an existing graphic piece.

One of the biggest advantages of using it is that it activates your creativity because it allows you to start from any image you like (be it a photo, a work of art, a website, etc.) to replicate it in a new design.

6.Material Palette

Inspired by Google’s Material Palette visual design guide, this complementary color palette generator is born.

But not only is it useful when creating simple palettes of this style, but it also has other advanced functions that allow, for example, to compare backgrounds with texts and thus suggest the most appropriate colors according to your design.

7. ColorHunt

If you are looking for inspiration, this tool can help you. The page is updated every day with color palettes created by other members of the community that you can find in the “New” and “Popular” options.

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8. Coolors

It has one of the simplest and most intuitive interfaces, to use it is enough to select the initial colors and press the space bar to see all the possible combinations.

In addition, it has other interesting functions to see all the shades and tones, color blindness options and the possibility of exporting the palettes in different formats or sharing them on social networks.

9. Paleton

This tool is ideal for designers who are working with a brand that already has its own color scheme, but is looking to complement and expand on it.

It has a functionality that allows you to automatically generate sketches of how to implement the new colors on your site.

10. Brand Colors

For the last tool we get fully into the brand strategy. This color generator is focused on representing the color schemes used by businesses according to the market to which they belong.

In this way, it gives the guideline of which shades are working best for certain items.

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The meaning of each color to define your color palette

You already have many tools at hand to create matching color palettes, great! But, you may be wondering how to choose the tones so that they communicate what you want.

At this point the psychology of color enters, that is, the discipline that studies the effect that colors have on our behaviors and emotions. In other words, it analyzes the perception we have of each tone and how this can make us act accordingly.

This is where the color palette plays an important role in marketing and sales. When selecting the ranges of a logo, one, the flyer of an event or a newsletter, colors can be used in favor to promote certain decisions in the user.

Let’s see the key points of each shade so you can design a magnificent color palette:

  • Red: it is the most striking tone of all and, for this reason, it is used in the most important signs (such as, for example, those of danger). We associate it with both love and hate because it evokes fire.

Used sparingly, it can be a good choice for a call-to-action, as it is highly visual and doesn’t go unnoticed.

  • Green: if we continue with the complementary color palette, we enter the great symbol of nature. Everything that has to do with the environment, ecology, peace, hope and harmony is linked to this color and, likewise, with money.

It is a tone that relaxes and calms us.

  • Yellow: it is the color of youth, inspiration and optimism, as well as tending towards the intellectual. On the other hand, it can also be associated with warning, so it’s important to use it sparingly.
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It is often used for new releases, promotions or offers because its vibrant tone catches us.

  • Blue: is positively related to tranquility, stability and confidence, due to its resemblance to the sky and the sea. In psychology it is linked to the control of emotions, durability and temperance.
  • Orange: the result of combining red with yellow and, with this, symbolizes both creativity and warmth. It is a stimulating color, associated with fun, action and generosity.

Its use is very common in color palettes for advertising because it is striking like red, but without conveying a sense of danger or urgency.

  • Violet: it is indicated to represent power, luxury and quality. She is very popular in the field of feminine beauty. It is associated with people with artistic, religious and even mystical tastes. Take a look at how the Faith CloudStore uses purple:
  • Pink: Often associated with femininity, it is the tone of love, charm, softness and sexuality.

Like red or orange, it is a striking color that quickly captures our attention. For this reason, it has a certain frequency in the color palette of websites and social networks.

  • Brown: is the tone of order, stability and discipline. It is the star choice for cafeterias, for example, as they seek to create a calm environment for concentration, reading or an intimate meeting.
  • White: here gives way to purity, clarity, simplicity and innocence. It is the favorite of refined and delicate people.
  • Black: this is the king of sophistication, elegance, discretion and power, on the positive side. Although, on the other side of it we link it with darkness, sadness or loneliness. Without a doubt, he is the favorite color of prestigious brands.

Next, we bring you an example image where you will be able to see many logos of well-known brands where one of the colors that we described above predominates.

We suggest you do the exercise of analyzing what sensations each tone transmits to you and take advantage of it to compare with your brand!

Trending color palettes in 2022

Every year the color trends vary and the fact is that the palettes are more than a visual and decorative element, they are communication tools with which you can express everything that you want to transmit with your brand.

Innovating and going according to design trends is one of the characteristics that…

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