Perfit Email Marketing: How it will help your store and how to integrate it

Perfit is an e-mail marketing platform designed and developed for all e-commerce or digital stores that seek to increase their sales, optimize their time and automate messages, with the design and imprint of their own brand.

It addresses everything in a practical and economical way: from increasing your contact base with subscription forms, through designs with pre-designed templates, to the recovery of abandoned carts and remarketing.

How to know if Perfit can help you?

In addition to providing instant and personalized customer service, it also has an easy-to-navigate interface where you will find:

  • Your initial dashboard with all the reports to analyze the performance of your campaigns,
  • The “Lists” section to manage, clean and qualify all your contacts.
  • “Subscription Forms” to add to your online or physical store (through a Pop-up, with QR, embedded, etc.).
  • “Designs” where you will find all our predesigned templates, fully editable and responsive.
  • And many more tools that will enhance the communication and conversions of your digital business!

It is important that you can understand and take into account the results that appear in the dashboard, to see and verify how Perfit helps your business and your strategy.

Don’t be afraid of metrics!

Our dashboard is designed so that everyone, whether they are a beginner or an expert in email marketing, can read and understand the information available on the progress of each campaign, and how they impacted their store’s sales.

The dashboard has 3 sections:

  1. Store. Where you can see the direct impact that our campaigns and automations have on your average ticket.
  2. Shipments. Here you will find all the details of the results of each shipment. This counts starts, clicks, rebounds, and much more.
  3. Contacts. This section has all the information you may need to keep your lists clean and optimized. You will be able to know which contacts interact, which contacts have not interacted for a while, which contacts no longer work, etc.
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Features for your store

As mentioned above, Perfit is a tool designed to accompany customers in their day-to-day activities and add to the online sales strategy. For this reason, today, the platform is more and more oriented towards the automation of e-commerce communications.

Our users are the protagonists! Therefore, any improvement and suggestion of new features are considered and the most voted by the community will be developed.

This is our greatest advantage: developing a product designed and inspired by the needs of customers.

Learn to optimize times with automations

One of the most relevant features of Perfit is the possibility of automating and programming all your communication.

You may be wondering how it works: the first step is to be able to plan each campaign delivery in advance and the platform will do the rest.

You will be able to talk to the support team to get personalized in real time and we will accompany you in your first and next steps.

Once everything is configured, the rest is our job. The emails will be sent according to the interactions you want to cover, at the time you want and with the information you need.

This includes everything from abandoned carts with coupons, birthday greetings and even canceled purchases, ready-to-pickup purchases and recovery of sleeping customers.

Integration with Tiendanube

Do you want to know what we have to offer your store? I kept reading!

First of all, the integration is activated very easily, both from Tiendanube and from Perfit. and in the event that complications or doubts arise, our support team will guide you to achieve it.

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On the other hand, this integration will automatically bring us:

Contacts and buyers

In separate lists, with historical interests assigned (for example, if this client previously bought in a certain category, we will be able to know it), and even with their last recorded interactions (for example, last date of purchase).

store products

All your products will be integrated into the Perfit account with the prices and offers they have on your website, which will allow you to create promotional designs much more easily.

Automations and coupons

This functionality allows you to contact your audience through personalized and automatic emails according to what the customer does in your online store.

In Perfit you can create the automations and assign a coupon to each one. Each coupon is unique per customer, and you can choose how you want to offer this benefit (free shipping, a discount, etc.), its expiration date, and even if you want it to only work in a specific store category.

Dashboard and periodic reports

We have an informative dashboard full of data and easy to read. With it you will be able to know how the campaigns are favoring the sales of your store, detect in what period of time you have done better, and of course, you will have all the information referring to your campaign shipments, (for example: opening rates, bounces, unsubscriptions and statistics of your lists).

And a very interesting functionality to activate is that of Periodic Reports. You can configure it to receive them monthly, weekly or daily. In this way you will have available the reports on the performance that Perfit and Tiendanube are having as a team.

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The best thing about all this is that you will have the support and advice of a specialist to optimize your account and your team strategy. You’re not alone!

Perfit plans and benefits

We have different types of contracting designed for each need and business.

One possibility is the Monthly Plans for contacts with unlimited shipments, or for shipments with unlimited contacts.

You can also purchase Shipping Packs, which work as credits without expiration, that is, you use them as you need them.

We recommend contacting a commercial specialist to advise you on the plan that best suits your business, your contacts, your needs, and above all… your budget!

It will not be your business that must adapt to Perfit, but rather Perfit will adapt to you and will provide you with all the solutions and possibilities to grow by doing e-mail marketing.

Before accessing a plan you can try the platform for 15 days, with all the guidance and advice of our team so that you have nothing left to learn and go through. And if you have less than 500 contacts, you can access a free plan with 2,000 monthly shipments.


If you have a Tiendanube and you have already integrated it into , you will have a 20% discount on all plans, which will be applied every month you remain in Perfit. That is to say… 20% off for life! And if you still don’t have one, we invite you to. You have 30 days free to test the platform.

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