Billing: keys to manage your online sales

Both new and experienced entrepreneurs can agree that billing is one of the essential aspects of any business. In this sense, it is essential to stay updated on these issues.

Whether you handle the accounting on your own (such as, for example, being clear about your ), hire the services of an accountant or have software that automates this aspect of your company, these three keys that we are going to detail below They can help you to attend to the invoicing of your business:

  1. Define what you have and know the legal requirements that correspond to your business, so that you can bill according to the characteristics of your enterprise.
  2. Stay updated on AFIP news.
  3. Analyze billing automation options to streamline your processes.

Before looking at each of these keys, let’s briefly review the concept of billing.

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billing concept

Invoicing is the process of creating, registering and collecting the invoices that are issued after carrying out a transaction for the sale of products or services.

It is a legal requirement that contributes to the order of your company and gives confidence to your clients and potential clients.

If you want to sell online in Argentina you have to issue the corresponding invoices, declare your expenses and income and comply with the fiscal obligations dictated by the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP).

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Now that you know the concept, let’s see keys to take into account to carry out the:

1. Define what type of company you have and know the legal requirements

To know and the tax aspects that affect your enterprise, it is a priority that you decide the legal form that your company will have.

For example, you can create a Limited Liability Company (SRL) or sole proprietorship.

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After you have made that decision, it is up to you to define whether you are going to be a monotributist or a registered person.

In general terms, we can say that the first case (monotax) refers to the simplified regime offered by the AFIP to small taxpayers to pay a fixed amount monthly, without having to pay each tax.

For its part, the registered taxpayer is included in the general regime and has to pay each of the taxes individually. These are: VAT, Earnings and Self-Employed (social security and social work).

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After making this decision, you have to register with AFIP and obtain the Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT). Also, depending on the address of your business, you have to register in ARBA (for the Province of Buenos Aires) or in the Revenue Office of your province.

Once you have defined all of the above, you will know if you have to invoice as a monotributista or as a registered responsible person. Now, how to know what the process is in each case? Find out in the next section!

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2. Stay updated on AFIP news

The AFIP has this exclusive website for everything related to Billing:

There you will find what type of receipts to issue, how to request them and the different modalities and procedures to do it correctly.

In the case of the receipts that must be issued by monotax payers, the AFIP specifies that type “C” corresponds, except in the case of an export operation, in which case it will be necessary to issue type “E” receipts.

Likewise, the agency clarifies that all monotributistas owe for their operations with final consumers.

On the other hand, the types of invoice that must be issued by taxpayers that are part of the General Regime will depend on the subject with which they operate. To know each of the cases, go to .

Regardless of whether or not you delegate everything that has to do with the invoicing of your business, keeping abreast of AFIP news is a good practice that we recommend to employees.

3. Analyze billing automation options

The last key in this article has to do with the benefits offered by online billing software.

If you have your e-commerce connected to one of these systems, you have the following benefits:

  • Savings of a great amount of time, because many of these processes are automatic.
  • The client receives the invoice in real time.
  • The concept is detailed because it corresponds to the purchase made.
  • Sold stock is automatically deducted from your system.
  • It is possible to obtain billing and sales reports in one click.
  • The system works 24 hours a day and updates itself.
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An example of this type of software is (belonging to the company), which you can integrate into your Tiendanube.

This system allows you to make electronic or fiscal invoices for your online sales without duplicating work and information, and manage sales logistics, since you can make deliveries at any of your branches (if your business has them) by sending orders to via Dragonfish.

Know more:



We hope that this content will help you make the best decisions for your business in everything related to the billing of your company’s online sales.

And if you still don’t sell online, we trust that these three keys have answered the main questions about one of the topics that generates the most doubts among entrepreneurs.

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