How to put mindfulness into practice in your business

It is likely that you feel that in the day to day of your business you spend a lot of time on different types of tasks (answering emails from your customers, uploading a new product to your online store, checking the , etc.).

The problem is when you start lose productivity and overview of your companywhen you realize that you are being completely multitasking and that you are not concentrating 100% on the tasks you do.

In those cases, the appears as an hfundamental tool that guides you so that you do not lose the course of your day (and, why not, of your life). 🙂

As we told you before, it allows you Eliminate stress that your daily life generates, increase your productivity, gain mental clarity Y improve internal communication of your business, just to name a few of the many benefits it offers.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Therefore, today we are going to tell you how to put it into practice through Five Strategies That Will Help You Achieve Your Career Goals. Take note.

1) Define your goal for the day first thing in the morning

Before applying the in your work, it is very important that you define the objective that you want to achieve that day because this will help you, unconsciously, to get closer to your goal.

Setting the intentions of the day in the first moments of the morning is key to do not let yourself be carried away by what happens by inertia during the day but, on the contrary, focus on your defined goal.

For example, if you have an online store, your goal may be “today I am going to close the design of the three banners on the main page of my ecommerce” and work to make that happen. 😉

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2) Your body speaks to you, listen to it

When you’re on your way to work, pay close attention to your breathing: concentrate on the physical sensations of your body, I felt how the air slowly enters through your nose, reaches your lungs, and leaves through your mouth.

This exercise connects you directly with the present moment and lower anxiety levels that can affect your mental clarity and the scope of the work goal you set for yourself at the beginning of the day.

When you are already in your workplace, try be aware of the posture you are adopting (standing, sitting or however you are): see if your body is tense or loose, detect if it is suffering from tension or discomfort, and help it feel better relaxing those areas.

To achieve this, you can do short stretching exercises or listen to a guided meditation through a. 🙂

As the owner and manager of a business, it is very beneficial that you do these exercises because they will help you calm your mind and maintain (or recover) your mental clarity for make the best decisions for your company.

And, most importantly, you will increase your work productivity because your body and your head will be relaxed, but wide awake!

3) Put yourself in “pause” mode

Interrupt the “autopilot” that drives your mind by applying moments of pause in the day.

Rest a few minutes between homework and homework (three for every hour, for example) and stretch your arms and legs or, why not, go for a walk.

These activities relax your head, renew your energy and, contrary to popular belief, they are not “time thieves” but are super necessary to improve your productivity and creativity as an entrepreneur.

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In addition, they serve to increase your mindfulness and maintain focus on the goals you have set for the day (don’t get lost along the way!).

They will also help you avoid back, head, and neck pain and reduce possible work stress. What are you waiting for to apply it?

4) Grow using your conscience

What if, once you are working, you express the phrase “From this moment on I will put my attention on “x” thing” and do you carry it out? It is a very effective exercise!

As soon as you finish that task, you can repeat the same phrase to start a new one, fully attentive and productive. These are ways of becoming aware, using it!

As an extra exercise, at the end of your day you can do a self-reflection (without value judgement, like everything in mindfulness) about how your day was and how you acted in the situations that came your way.

This practice will help you win greater self-confidence and can even increase your leadership skillsso necessary in every business!

Paying close attention (awareness) to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors helps you understand yourself more and be the best version of yourself so that you can continue to grow as a person and as a professional.

5) Human resources or human relations?

It is said that we were born with one mouth and two ears so that let’s talk less and listen more, will it be true? At least it is to think. 🙂

During your working day, relate from a more human place with your team or with the people around you. the best recipe is listen to them.

Try to take the focus off yourself (there are people with excessive self-reference) to put special attention to the thoughts, sensations and needs of the other.

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When you do, try manage your body language: human beings communicate with words, yes, but also with facial expressions, the head, the hands, with our entire body. We are pure communicative expression!

And this expression has a (big) impact on the interlocutor and on yourselfthat’s why we recommend that you work on the way you communicate with others.

By doing all this you will be able to get closer to people, get to know them from another perspective and, of course, begin to understand their world and their experiences without making a value judgement.

And this is essential in any type of business because forge long-term relationships with the team, the clients and even with the suppliers, thus consolidating the commitment to your company.


Applying these five strategies that we have just told you, you will notice how little by little tyour mind begins to change and goes from being divided into a thousand tasks guided by the multitasking a stay focused on your goals for the day and to prioritize what is important before what is urgent.

As we said above, the rest and renewal of batteries that proposes the technique of mindfulness are keys to running a business in a healthy and productive way.

Do you dare to try it? Go ahead! Also try through the Tiendanube platform. We give you 30 days free!

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