What is Pinterest Ads and how to advertise? |

Facebook, Instagram and , are some of the social networks that come to mind when we think of online advertising. That does not mean that there is no room for the development of online advertising in other social networks. On the contrary, Pinterest can be a very good option to publicize your product or service to your target audienceas well as to position yourself in the main search engines.

Pinterest is a social network where millions of users look for inspiration. For the same reason, your product or service must have a presence there. Keep reading if you want to find out more about what Pinterest Ads is and how you can start advertising online on this social network.

What is Pinterest Ads?

We spend more and more time browsing social networks, which becomes a great opportunity for brands, being able to directly impact us with their message. In general terms, we use social networks to entertain, interact and inform us.

However, in the case of Pinterest it is very interesting how useful it can be to serve as inspiration for product purchases. Its use is very common to store recipes, decoration tips, fashion, beauty or DIY. Users use the social network to save these ideas that interest them and that can serve as inspiration.

Then, what is pinterest ads? This is where the work that brands can do in online advertising comes into play. Pinterest Ads will be the advertising platform that allows brands to promote content on Pinterest to their target audience.

Format in Pinterest Ads

As in any online advertising platform, you have the ability to choose different formats to sponsor your content. Here we tell you what they are the most used formats in Pinterest Ads:

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traditional pin

These are the publications that we can see the most in the feed of this social network. They usually have measurements of 1000 × 1500 pixels. It is common to add a title and a description. When optimizing the visibility of these publications, it is advisable to include keywords related to the searches in which we want to position.

promotional videos

There are two formats of promotional videos, called standard and maximized width. In this format we can sponsor promotional videos with a duration of between 4 seconds and 15 minutes. As in the case of traditional pins, we can also add a title and a description. Its aspect ratio can be 2:3 or 9:16.

In the case of videos with maximized width, they have the same characteristics as the previous ones, except for their aspect ratio, which can be square or horizontal (16:9).

App Promotion

This is an excellent option to include direct promotion of mobile application downloads. It allows you to use both video and image format.


It allows to publish carousels of images of between 2 and 5 items. It is usually used when promoting a range of different products in the form of a catalogue.

How to create an advertising strategy on Pinterest Ads

Creating an advertising strategy on Pinterest Ads requires certain steps to be successful. We tell you below what they are:

Select advertising objectives in Pinterest Ads

In all advertising campaigns there must be defined objectives in order to better meet your expectations. In the case of Pinterest you can choose between the following:

  • Brand recognition
  • Consideration
  • video views
  • conversions
  • Catalog sales
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Set your budget and ad dates

Online advertising works under auction, which means that the best advertising placements go to the highest bidder. Choose the budget that is within your possibilities, taking into account the time in which your ads will be active.

Define the segmentation of your target audience

When advertising on social networks, we must profile our target audience as much as possible. To do this, we must take into account the gender, age, geographical location, as well as the interests of our audience. We can also reach our target audience through the keywords with which we want our ads to position.

Make some eye-catching creatives

As we have seen in previous lines, with Pinterest Ads you can make multiple formats. Choose well the creativities that work best to show your product or service and thus reach your target audience. In addition, you will be able to carry out A/B tests to try different ads and see which one achieves the greatest impact.

Analyze the results

Although it is the last step, you should not forget to analyze the main results of your campaigns. This will allow you to see if your ads are really fulfilling their objective or not, as well as see what elements you can improve in your online strategy. Pinterest Ads has a statistics section where you can analyze different parameters that will help you optimize your strategy.

Advantages of advertising on Pinterest Ads

  • It has a low cost, since it is not yet fully exploited. There is little competition and therefore the CPCs are somewhat cheaper than on other more atomized platforms. In addition, users are not yet saturated with ads, so it will be easier to get their attention.
  • It is a social network with a great influence on purchasing decisions, since Pinterest is a place where users look for information when they are interested in the different purchase options of a product or service. In addition, it is an appropriate place to discover new products and services.
  • The images are the protagonistsso it can be a great showcase for highly visual sectors or create a brand image or universe based on lifestyles, places or other impressive images.
  • It has very active users with , so there is a high probability of contacting them during the time they spend using the platform.
  • It is a platform of full growth and with the arrival of Pinterest Ads in Spain, little by little there will be more brands interested in this social network.
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Now that you know everything about what Pinterest Ads is and how to develop an effective advertising strategy on this social network, we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of an expert when launching your first campaign on Pinterest. At we are an agency specialized in social media advertising and we will be able to lead your company to success.

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