Conversion Metrics in CRO –

Digital marketing has become a field to have prosperous businesses and everything is due to the strategies that are used. However, not just any strategy can work and to know its effectiveness, the following strategies are used. conversion metrics.

Each marketing action must be measured to know the level of influence it has and to know if it is correct to continue applying it. With conversion metrics, better known as data that helps compare the effectiveness of each strategy, it can be measured.

Each campaign has objectives and thanks to the metrics you can understand if there is a good one. To make it much easier for you to understand, we have put together the 8 main conversion metrics for an ideal CRO.

Top 8 Conversion Metrics in CRO

Since conversion metrics help you to have a quality website, it is important to focus on the main ones in order to achieve your goals. In this case, traffic sources are considered as the first metric to take into account to improve.

Although traffic represents an important point for a web page, it is useless if it does not help you achieve the goal. The essential thing is to find traffic that can convert efficiently for your website and allow you to acquire profits.

For that, you need to know where these users find your web page and that is where the three main traffic sources should be studied:

  • Direct users: They are known for being those users who enter a website through a URL in the browser and do not need any help.
  • Search Users: Any user who has entered through the results list of a browser enters into this source. Since they needed to enter the keywords that make up a website to find it and were guided by these results.
  • Referred visitors: This option is made up of those who enter through a link on your website, from a social network or another website.

The key is to study which of all the traffic sources offer a better quality of users who convert. And that way you can diversify your traffic among the options that work best.

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One of the most important details about this metric is that a new user never interacts with the site in the same way as a returning user. That is why it is essential to focus on the fact that the metrics of new users and returning users are totally different.

Once this is considered, you need to implement methods that help capture the attention of new users as quickly as possible. And it can be achieved by analyzing the interests they have when they first enter the website, improving their experience based on that.

The most interesting thing about interactions per visit is that it is a metric that offers us information about user behavior. By establishing behavior patterns, this metric allows us to obtain enough information to carry out a strategy based on said data.

If a user is in charge of spending a long amount of time on the web and does not convert, then they leave information. There you will understand if there is a pattern or where the fault is that prevents a large number of users from ending up leaving the page before conversion.

Using interactions per visit can be used to the fullest and allow optimization of the user experience.

  • Average length of visit

Another conversion metric is the time users spend on the web. Thanks to it, it is possible to establish patterns that define to what extent the user has a good experience. And by using it as a means of content optimization, the average length of a visit can increase significantly.

In addition, it focuses on providing information about the content and key points of a website that attract the most attention from users. What helps to establish marketing strategies that are much more efficient when implemented in the rest of the web.

The longer the user duration, the better the experience. Although it is also necessary to understand to what extent expectations are met and ensure that the user manages to achieve conversion without problems.

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Although its name says it all, this is another conversion metric that allows you to establish a good marketing strategy. The value of the visit allows you to define how much each visit is worth for a website, depending on certain data.

To obtain the metric, it is necessary to divide the number of visits obtained in a period of time, by the value created. If a company has a conversion rate already defined and knows how much the average purchase is, a value per visit can be established.

The same happens with those who have a blog and acquire a conversion when the user accesses some advertising. Or even when you want to acquire a larger amount of traffic.

If you think value per visit is one of the most important conversion metrics, cost per conversion is even more so. This metric is due to the cost per potential client or per referral. And it is more than mandatory to keep it in balance with the value per visit to avoid a marketing strategy that damages the business.

Clearly, if a visit costs you more than it can generate in profit, the website could become a bad investment. To avoid it, it is necessary to increase the conversion rate considering the conversion cost so that it does not exceed the limits.

It can be normal that a part of the traffic ends up avoiding the interaction with a web page. Nevertheless, this represents a great loss for the conversion rate because the user does not even provide information to the web.

Bounce rate is known as the conversion metric where users enter a website and leave without interacting. Either because it is a page with very weak content or because it does not have the necessary optimization to obtain a conversion.

Among the drawbacks that can generate this rate are unprofessional web designs, as well as a very high loading time. Remember that no user finds it fun to wait for a page to load after a long time, no matter how interesting its content is.

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It tries to provide a more comfortable experience for users, making their interaction with the web much easier. That way you can considerably avoid the bounce rate.

If bounce rate is a concern, then you need to focus on exit rate as well. Considering that this conversion metric is the one in charge of measuring the users who leave without leaving any type of conversion.

The best way to understand this metric is to study the user’s interaction with the web, to establish what is the common point that generates outputs. By establishing a pattern, you can easily work on the weak point of the web and manage to catch potential customers who convert.

Many end up abandoning a website because of the features it has or because it does not provide the most comfortable methods for the user. The intention of this metric is to help identify the percentage of exit to understand what are the reasons for abandoning the web.

And now that you know what the metrics are that will help you establish a marketing strategy adapted to your website, you can put them into practice. Since each one offers you the necessary information to study the influence of your strategy.

In , as , we know that the CRO is the best way to improve our website in order to convert more. Therefore, if you want your users to reach your website and decide to buy, you need the CRO in your digital strategy. Contact us if you want to start now.

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