How to Get Reviews and Opinions on Amazon Without Losing Your Mind –

Amazon is a place full of opportunities for any seller. If you want to know, you can read this article. The statistics speak for themselves and the US Marketplace grows year after year in sales. With these sales, new sellers also arrive, for example the statistic recently came out that during the last year more than 1,000,000 sellers have arrived.

In other words, with these figures and how , we can understand that this market place is increasingly a place that presents more and more sales opportunities, but also more and more competitive.

In numerous studies, the reviews or opinions of other users appear as one of the main reasons when buying on Amazon.

To these, there are also others such as:

  • The trust that Amazon generates.
  • Free shipping.
  • Shipping speed.
  • Ease of purchase.
  • Return policy.
  • Variety of purchase options.

Another super interesting fact is that 90% of the people who end up on Amazon end up buying at some point.

In any case, reviews or opinions are still the main reason why users end up buying. To try to get new reviews, it is always interesting to establish strategies and think that there are many more things in our hands than we think.

Do you find a product without reviews interesting?

What are the benefits of getting reviews or opinions on Amazon?

The reviews or reviews increase your visibility: That is, it is an SEO factor within Amazon.

Your Click Through Rate increases: This is from the number of people who see your product in search results and click on it.

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Increase in conversions: If your product has a higher number of reviews (positive, of course) it is more normal for someone to buy it.

93% of purchases are made after consulting the opinions of those who already have the product.

What can not be done to get reviews?

Done the law done the snare. Always in the rush to get reviews, many sellers try to offer something in return or ask for them directly. Remember:

  • You cannot offer discounts.
  • You cannot submit review requests.
  • You can’t ask anyone to change or remove reviews.

Relatively recently I read an article in El Confidencial about . Think that all this although it seems very lucrative at first, in the long run it can bring you quite negative consequences. At the end of the day, they are actions that Amazon specifies that should not be done and doing them is ultimately a fraud in this marketplace.

It is also interesting that according to this, one of the ways to find false reviews on a product is to see if the shape of the ratings and their stars is C-shaped. That is, many five-star ratings but also with one star. Amazon is always looking to improve its marketplace, which is why it is the leader and has a multitude of algorithms and tools to detect manipulation. So if you are still hesitating… Don’t do it!

How to get reviews on Amazon?

There are numerous strategies or actions you can take to get reviews on Amazon. Nope you opt for one or the other, try to apply the different options to your sales strategy. And remember, there are never enough reviews, they will always come in handy to sell more.

  1. Insert a thank you note in your product. Be original and think that you want to tell the user that they are opening your product. It can be a card, a postcard.
  2. Follow up via message from Amazon or email. It is clear that incentivizing reviews is prohibited, but this is a very interesting method. Amazon’s standard communication system will ask you for feedback on the product. Alternatively you can use your email to thank them for purchasing your product. Always keep in mind that it should not be an email asking for the review.
  3. Sell ​​only quality products: It seems to fall into simplicity to say this but it is not. This article tries to give you tips to get more reviews but the basis of this whole thing is that an opinion or comment will always be based on the quality of your product. If you have a wide variety of products to sell, wouldn’t it be a good idea to start with the ones that are really more competitive and offer better quality? It is good to have products of all kinds, but there are always some better than others. Always in that case I would recommend that you start selling the ones that differentiate you the most as a seller and in which you really deserve five stars.
  4. Use other channels: You can use other channels such as Social Media to remind your old customers how important it is to leave reviews.
  5. Amazon Vine: Amazon Vine is an Amazon program where they offer products to early adopters. These are usually users who have experience leaving opinions or reviews. There is a cost to participate in this Amazon Vine as a brand, so it may be more recommended for larger companies.
  6. Watch the competition: Why not detect a product of the competition where they have not so positive opinions and find your niche? You could try to sell a product there that improves what other users complain about.
  7. Take care of shipments: The user when leaving reviews not only usually values ​​the product but also values ​​the quality of the shipment. Thus, a user whose shipment has been late is more likely to leave you a low score. Whether you work with FBA or not, you should watch your shipping times.
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What do you think?

Do you already sell on Amazon? What products work best for you? Is it easy for you to get reviews? Do not forget to leave your comment and tell us about your experience as a seller or future seller on Amazon.

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