Google Ads Glossary: ​​25 Terms You Need to Know –

Whether you are just starting out or have been in Google Ads for some time (Old Google Adwords), a series of terms that are usually repeated with some regularity will sound familiar to you.

We are going to review the most used terms in Google Ads in the form of a list so that at a glance you have the definition of each one. We have structured them into the following:

Terms about your Google Ads or Adwords account:

  • Google Ads account.
  • Campaign.
  • bid strategy.
  • Ad group.
  • Keyword.
  • Daily campaign budget.
  • Campaign type.

Terms related to the performance of your campaigns:

  • Click.
  • Conversion.
  • CPC.
  • CPM.
  • CTR.
  • Impression.
  • Maximum bid.
  • QualityScore.

Terms related to the landing pages of your ads:

  • Ad description.
  • Ad extensions.
  • Landing page.
  • Call to action.
  • Landing page.
  • Position.
  • Relevance.
  • Ad title.
  • End URL.
  • Display URL.

Basic terms related to your account and campaigns:

Google Ads account:

Google username and password that can be used in various products, such as Google Ads. Your Google Ads account is associated with a unique account ID. This is a numerical code, like the ID of your Google Ads account. At the account level we always specify the billing and payment information as well as the time zone and currency.


A campaign is made up of a set of ad groups that in turn contain targeting and ads. Campaigns are used to give your account a logical structure. So, for example, if you have three categories of services within your company, you could create three different campaigns.

Bidding strategy:

Google Ads allows us to optimize campaigns based on a bid strategy. That is, it will optimize the bid based on the strategy. There are several types of bidding strategies: Target CPC, Target ROAS, Outranking Percentage, By Search Page Location, Maximize Clicks, Maximize Conversions, Enhanced CPC…

Ad group:

An ad group contains one or more ads targeted to a shared set of keywords.


The keyword or keyword is a word or set of words that describe your product or service that you can choose to determine when and where your ad can appear. That is, by choosing these keywords we can choose for which searches we want our ads to appear.

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Campaign daily budget:

It is the maximum amount of total spending established for your campaign in the period of one day. Remember that Google can always increase this amount if it sees it necessary, but after 30 days it will compensate so that you do not exceed the total daily budget established.

Tip: You can have multiple campaigns share a budget using the shared library.

Campaign Type:

It is the type of campaign that we choose to do our advertising. The main ones are search, display, video or shopping campaigns.

Terms related to the performance of your Google Ads campaigns:


A click is understood when a user clicks on any part of your ad that is clickable. The clickable elements of a search ad are usually headlines one and two and some ad extensions such as sitelink, callout, or location extensions. In an ad for the display network, any click within the graphic banner is counted.

Remember that in search campaigns, the billing that Google does is with the CPC model, that is, it will bill you an amount each time someone clicks on your ad.


We call conversion the objective or objectives that we want the user to achieve when they arrive at our website or landing page from ads. For example, in an e-commerce, a conversion could be a sale. But in addition, you can add other conversions that interest you, such as adding a product to the cart, spending a certain amount of time on the web or requesting information. Conversion actions are measured in Google Adwords with the conversion tool, which helps us generate pixels to account for these actions.


It corresponds to the acronym cost per click. That is, Google will bill us when the user clicks on our ad.

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Corresponds to the acronym cost per thousand impressions. That is, Google will bill us when our ad has received a thousand impressions.


CTR is a percentage calculated by dividing the number of clicks your ad receives by the number of times your ad is shown: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR. Let’s give an example of how to calculate the CTR of an ad. Let’s say your ad has been viewed 1,000 times, thus generating 1,000 impressions. In addition to this, it has generated 50 clicks.

Our CTR would be calculated like this:

CTR= (Clicks / Impressions) x 100 = (25 / 1000) x 100 = 2.5%

Therefore the CTR of your ad is 2.5%

If you want to know more about CTR, you can read this article ««.


Impressions are counted when an ad appears on a search results page or on another Google Network site. That is, if they tell you that your ad has had 1,000 impressions, that means that your ad has appeared 1,000 times.

Remember that it does not have to be 1,000 different users, the same user has been able to see your ad several times.

Maximum bid:

It is the maximum monetary amount that you are willing to pay. Typically bids are set to CPC or cost per click or CPM cost per thousand impressions. For example, if we say that we have placed a maximum CPC bid of 1 euro, it means that I will be willing to pay a maximum of 1 euro per click.

If you want to know more about ««, check this article.

Quality Score or Quality Level:

Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad placement.

The quality score is assigned at the keyword level and is measured between zero and ten. The ideal is that we are always above seven. If you want to know more about «» click here.

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Ad terms:

Ad description:

The description is the text of our ads in search format that appears below the title. It has a maximum length of 80 characters.

Ad Extension:

Ad extensions or additional snippets that Google Ads allows us to add to our ads to improve their relevance. Its implementation and review is of the utmost importance.

Call to action:

It is the call that you make to the user in your ad so that they carry out the desired action. For example “Book now” or “Buy now”.

landing page:

The landing page is the landing page where traffic is directed with a conversion goal. These online campaigns can respond to traffic generated from advertisements in Google Ads.

Landing page:

Page or URL to which we send the user after clicking on an ad.


The rank or position your ad has in search results. So position 1 would mean that you are the first in Google search results. 2 would be the second and so on.


Degree of agreement of the elements of your advertising campaign with what a user seems to be looking for.

Ad title:

The main headline of your ad for search campaigns, it is clickable and usually appears in blue.

Final URL:

The URL of the page on a website that users reach when they click an ad. It always has to match the domain of the visible, but keep in mind that the visible is often manipulated to make it more attractive.

Display URL:

The display URL is specified when editing your ad and is the URL that the user will see in the ad.

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