Advanced LinkedIn course #3. LinkedIn Ads – .com

In the third class of the LinkedIn course we are going to see how we can start building our advertising campaigns with LinkedIn Ads.

We will also know the different ad formats that we can work with. For this, the index of this lesson will be divided into benefits of advertising on LinkedIn, formats, budget, audiences and advertising console.

Through these points we can create our advertising campaigns in order to reach our target audience on LinkedIn. Go for it!

As you have seen, it is an advertising console similar to the rest of the social networks. All of them have the same structure, and generally the learning curve is very short when you have already worked with another before.

The first thing that we have known are the different advertising formats that LinkedIn has, such as sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text ads or dynamic ads.

In addition, we have seen that a new format is expected to be launched by 2021: LinkedIn Stories. Several Beta phases of this format have already been approved and everything is ready for launch.

Subsequently, we have seen that LinkedIn campaigns optimize their budgets based on three characteristics and we have learned what is the minimum daily budget for a campaign on LinkedIn, as well as the estimated CPC and CPM prices of a default campaign.

Here it is important to remember that despite the fact that LinkedIn works at higher costs compared to other social networks, the main value it brings us is that we can reach highly defined and segmented contacts, which would not be possible with the use of other media. .

See also  Google Ads Course - .com

I suggest that you try the advertising console and even create a campaign to test all the steps, without having to actually activate it! Remember that we are on the other side of support to answer any doubts/questions that may arise. We are waiting for you in the next class!

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

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