Amazon Go opens its doors in Europe: what it is, how this supermarket works and when it will arrive in Spain

Amazon supermarkets without cashiers, the Go line, are close to being a reality in Europe since the first doors will open this week in London. A physical store, from the company founded by Jeff Bezos, which already has 25 stores in the United States and which have been a success with plans to expand with up to 30 possible centers in the United Kingdom as the first major landing before conquering the entire Old Continent.

Last summer, the British press anticipated Amazon Go’s intentions to expand in the United Kingdom and it is already known that the establishment in Ealing, west of London, will be the multinational’s first in Europe. The first stone on the continent, after the success in New York, Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco, although its specific address is still unknown because the store is hidden under construction covers.

The curtain is expected to open this week, revealing the Amazon logo, in what will be the arrival of the first supermarket without cashiers of the American company. A landing that could have up to 30 new centers in the United Kingdom alone since the firm is studying thirty locations.

How does Amazon Go work?

As simple as Just Walk Out technology (‘Just go out’), through which the customer enters the establishment and leaves without going through the box and with the products in his hand. Of course, with cameras and surveillance of dependents at all times, to help where necessary, the products are added to a virtual cart that, when passing through the exit, charges the personal account of each user.

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In addition, if you want to return an item during the purchase, the method is as simple as leaving it on your shelf and the weight sensors of the cart will detect that you no longer want that product. A simple way to buy that, yes, has been widely criticized for the fact that it reduces staff, generating fewer jobs.

When will Amazon Go arrive in Spain?

As was the case with Amazon Fresh, the company’s virtual supermarket with home delivery, the United Kingdom was the first country to welcome the Bezos company. A first step in Europe that will be implemented over the next few months, albeit cautiously to first check its good results.

With 25 establishments only in the United States (Seattle), the arrival in Spain does not yet have a date or how the expansion will develop on the Old Continent. Meanwhile, the company’s customers can purchase products through .

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